• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • angrystego@lemmy.worldOPtoStar Trek @lemmy.worldSaru
    1 month ago

    Sorry for not writing for such a long time - my first try got erased before I sent it, but I’m back now to answer your question! It was the writing. I found so many of the dialogues to be really cringeworthy. To be fair, this was not the case for all the episodes. I felt ashamed to bare witness to some of the dialogue in The Sound of Thunder for example, while Light and Shadows was ok for me. I truly suffered through the Red Angel arch. There were so many things that just didn’t make any sense to me that I kind of stopped caring. And there was so much unending declamation with no real depth - all I saw were actors trying hard to say the flat lines as well as they could. I continued watching Discovery even after this season mainly because there were great characters again, that is Discovery’s strength in my eyes. And the later seasons seemed better to me. Have a nice day!