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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yes, that’s one option. Then you only have to distribute the certificates and keys.

    Or you allow remote access to that DNS server (Bind has a secure protocol for this), do the challenge requests and cert generation on some other machine. Depends on what is more convenient for you (the latter is better if you have lots of machines/certs).

    Worst case if someone compromises that DNS server they can only generate certificates but not change your actual valuable records because these are not delegated there.

  • What you can (and absolutely should) do is DNS delegation. On your main domain you delegate the _acme-challenge. subdomains with NS records to your DNS server that will do cert generation (and cert generation only). You probably want to run Bind there (since it has decent and fast remote access for changing records and other existing solutions). You can still split it with separate keys into different zones (I would suggest one key per certificate, and splitting certificates by where/how they will be used).

    You don’t even need to allow remote access beyond the DNS responses if you don’t want to, and that server doesn’t have anything to do with anything else in your infrastructure.

  • If you ask a user to show you a “core dump” they’re more likely to shit on their floor and send you a photo than do what you actually mean.

    Telemetry is absolutely crucial in determining what to focus on in development, to fix issues the users might not even realize exist. Especially for projects that aim at the general public. As long as it’s communicated clearly, used truly only for development purposes and an opt-out is available there’s nothing wrong about it.

  • FFS. That’s not how any of this works. I’m kinda tired of pointing out the issues because your mind is clearly set, so it’ll be just a few.

    Example: you own 3 businesses worth 500 mil $ each (or whatever combination makes sense to you). To make business in a country with this mindset or even travel through it, you can only own up to 999 mil so you either give away 501 mil worh or you are banned from said country.

    Ahh I see. My bad, that’s even dumber than I thought. For starters, you do realize that net worth is a made up number that cannot actually be calculated, right? It’s an educated guess, at best.

    There is a lot wrong with this thinking, like the fact that “net worth” is not some official number you can actually calculate, it’s just a guess.

    Your argument is in bad faith because you‘re not actually in the position to be affected by the negative impact of this

    So because (you think) it doesn’t affect me I can’t voice my opinion on it and it’s automatically bad faith because I disagree? Wow, what a way to discuss.

    If your idea led to a change in economy (which it most definitely would), it would affect me. It’s kind of sad you don’t realize that that is a possibility. Comparatively tiny changes in taxation have had massive impact on some industries, companies, and thus the people employed there.

    Billionaires arent smart, they start privileged and are ruthless. We dont need ruthless to survive as a species, nor do we need it to live a good life. I say we need to get rid of it to survive.

    I see you’ve met a lot of rich people and know how they operate, why they do what they do, and that all their wealth has been obtained immorally to say the least. That kinda tells me all I need to know.

    Additionally, in opposition what daddy corpo tells you, competition is what makes things evolve. All companies that have killed off competition have slowed down improvement, made everything worse for the customers. Competition between companies is what keeps them improving, not monopolisties.

    I’m talking about competition for your country (or whatever region that would enact such rules). That’s not a good thing, not for the people living there who would (supposedly) push for such change.

    Like, look. I get your sentiment, I also don’t like how companies evade taxes and that there’s a squeeze on the middle class where a tiny fraction ascends to the 0.01% of wealth while everyone else is pushed towards poverty. That all sucks and should be addressed. But the way you think it can be fixed is just nonsense and sounds like something a 15 year old with no idea how the world works came up with.

  • That makes absolutely no sense. For one, it’s not like there are people who have a billion dollars salary - that’s just not how it works.

    Second, if you make a hard cutoff like that you disincentivize producing anything above that cutoff, so nobody would ever bother actually making that money if you take it all away anyway.

    Third, if your taxes are too too drastic you’ll just drive those people and their investment (which - like it or not - still usually has some positive impact) away creating competition for yourself in regions with less strict taxes effectively kneecapping yourself.