Well I might try it sometime then lol
I’m really intriged with the spaghetti part… Do you reckon it would still work on just cooked pasta? I don’t have a microwave.
What are the cons of yahoo?
You mispelled 2025*
Lol I legit can’t tell which group you are referring to.
I’m currently using Garuda! I love the arch features (rolling release, AUR, etc) and love the game integration tools: 1 click to install nvidia drivers, wine w/winetricks, retroarch, and a bunch more.
However sometimes I observe some kind of stuttering during games. I have a 3070Ti and that kind of stuff shouldn’t be happening on 5+ year old games.
I would still recommend it as a lot more people seems to be running it without issues, but idk, I guess no system is perfect.
Don’t be afraid UwU
I 100% believe you but still have to ask. Source?
Maybe you are being downvoted because you are not adding anything to the conversation either? What does that suppose to mean?
What? No bikes! I’m literally shaking and crying rn
I love endeavour, really can’t go wrong with it. Is super lightweight, rolling-release, archbased (so you have AUR) and more robust than arch I’d say. It has never failed me.
However, my dad’s endeavour system broke once, idk if it was because no maintenance or what… I guess no system is perfect.
Why is this in the technology community?
Unrelated: How do you conserve a whole deer for an entire year? You freeze the crap out of it? lol
I mean, if there has been a forest somewhere for the last 100 years, chances are there are enough carnivores anyways. Nature finds its balance, hunting only adds chaos to the equation.
Lmao who would love to see that? In videogames when you are fighting the bad guys, sure. But irl?
But the things that are priced when overweight are only checked bags, no? Or also carry on bags?
Not everybody checks bags tho
This but without the kids
In a “lessr evil-ism” scenario it seems pretty clear to me that both are wrong lol.