• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • Weirdly enough, actual lifespan comparisons seem to be very hard to find. Studies showing slightly higher disease (4%) rates. Higher rates of eating things their owner didn’t give them. Higher dangers from traffic, cars, etc. but I have yet to an actual study with lifespan numbers, let alone the 3-5 yrs vs 10-15 I’ve seen bandied about.

    I’m still looking for it as a lower lifespan sounds logical, but I’ve seen enough things defy apparent logic to not just accept the statement without supporting documentation.

    Let me clear. I support in principle the statement that indoor cats live longer, I just haven’t found the proof for it yet.

  • Growing up, (I’m in my 50s) we had an orange tabby that went indoors and outdoors as much as he wanted. The cat supplemented his kibble by killing and eating (confirmed by observation) birds and rodents in the area. He lived to be 23. Most cats like him that I’ve known all had lifespans into the high teens.

    I think you mean feral, as opposed to outdoor. In which case I would agree with your statement.

    I should add, that as an adult, I currently own two cats obtained from rescue services and both are exclusively indoor cats.

  • Much as I do like Trudeau compared to Harper, it’s far past time for Trudeau’s actions to stand or fall on their own merits.

    That said, the right-wing of Canadian politics is never going to beat Trudeau if they keep going with the insult and belittling route. They’ve done it in every election they’ve faced Trudeau in and lost every, single, time. The Conservatives should have won they last election, and blew it because the didn’t think Trudeau had the savvy or skill to come back from the blackface scandal. The truth is, Justin is an excellent political operator and usually one of the best there is in working social media.

    Polievere only has a solid chance now due to a combination of voter fatigue (almost no PM makes it past 10 years) and some serious missteps by Trudeau. As far as malfeasance goes, you better have some solid proof, like in a court of law level proof, and be able to make it stick, without you sounding like a raving lunatic who is best ignored.

  • Worstdriver@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldOh no ...
    8 months ago

    Used Ubuntu Linux for a year back around '08-'09. Didn’t have a great experience and went back to Windows. Since then I’ve never had a reason to try it again. That said, I’ve nothing but respect for those that use a flavour of Linux or Mac OS. At the end of the day doing the things you need done is what matters and if a different OS than mine gets you there, that’s awesome.

  • That… seems circular. The reason you have the right isn’t self-defence though, its national defence. The second amendment was put in place to provide a ready source for a “well armed and well regulated militia”, and that right has killed more people than it has saved. I guess the real issue is that I can’t understand you, or where you are coming from.

    I’m in my 50s and live in rural Canada, back in the itty bitty town on the West Coast that I moved out of as a teen, desperate to find work in the city. Today I hunt, I fish, and my favorite gun is the .270 Winchester I inherited from my father after he passed on a decade ago. Gun ownership and carrying laws are vastly more restrictive here than they are in the US, but not once have felt that those restrictions impinge on either my rights or my ability to protect myself or my family.

    You have hundreds, nay thousands of people, dying every year from what to me, seems like a stupidly easy cause to prevent. All because your nation seems unwilling to grasp the concept that a good number of people aren’t able to responsibly use the ability to project lethal force. No, you can’t stop gun crimes by regulating guns, any more than locks can prevent all burglaries, but you CAN make it harder for bad people to get guns. Just like a good lock makes it harder for someone to steal your stuff.

    Anyway, it’s 2am here, and I apologize for subjecting you to this rant, but its a frustration I’ve wanted to get off my chest for awhile now. It’s pretty clear you and I will never see eye to eye on this, but it was nice to back and forth a bit on this. I know it means less than a pitcher of spit, but all the best to you and yours, and to your sister as well.


  • The problem is… you are assuming you are going to be attacked, and you assume you are going to be powerless unless you have a gun with you. Americans have been taught from infancy that the only true source of power and justice comes from the barrel of a gun. The lessons from the War of Independence and the Civil War have hammered home time and time again the belief that only naked, lethal force can guarantee safety and enact needed change.

    Not governments, or agencies, or powers. Not religion, not dialogues, not negotiations. Only the ability and willingness to kill your fellow man can guarantee your safety and shape the world around you into what you want to see.

    At times it has been your virtue, but it is also your curse.