Anonymous version of site:
Anonymous version of site:
I read that comment, and use it similarly, as more a super-dictionary/encyclopedia in the same way I’d watch supplementary YouTube videos to enhance my understanding. Rather than automating the understanding process.
More like having a tutor who you ask all the too-stupid and too-hard questions to, who never gets tired or fed up with you.
I thought the headline said they were linked. My first reaction (which surprised me) was “oh well, not much to be done about that then eh”. Glad I re-read it 😅
Wait what? That works??
Does the last bit mean “earlier that morning” or “morning, the next day” I wonder.
I thgouth it was a variant of rocket league’s ball
I then get them saying “oi, why did you rewind it!”
That’s a whole different way of playing trading card games.
Outlived, or sadly experienced the loss of his wife and 3 out of 4 children?
Looking forward to next episode 😀
This reminds me of Minecraft redstone computers. Its great to see that does translate to the real world too with a GUI. (I’m aware that the very first computers themselves were mechanical calculations machines)
Riiiight. Tread-mill. Makes total sense now why we call it that.
100% this. Boost is great
Snap! Double irony
Huh. I couldn’t. That’s good then.
I feel like the world record should be set against solving a standard store-bought rubik’s cube. If you break it, you did it wrong.
I’d love to use that feature, but it just seems so ineffective on my android. Things I whitelist fail to show, and things I blacklist pop up.
There is a difference between knowing which medicines to give someone. And then having that knowledge of which to choose (after seeing a healthcare professional), and then being able to buy (make) any brand of that item.