• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • They used to have an even greater influence… These days there are no real extended demands, just smaller pay rises for many unions. And the social democratic political parties have severed the historical ties to them i many countries.

    The collective agreements are still pretty strong, with unions blocking companies unwilling to agree to these collective Agreements.

    Like when Burger King came to Denmark I believe it was, they refused to make collective agreements, and like in Sweden now, many other unions joined in year long boycotts until Burger King caved and agreed to comply.

    McDonald’s made collective agreements from the start, but had some tax evasion scheme that resulted in them not paying any taxes for decades up until fairly recently.

    There is still cross union solidarity, that flair up now and again. But lobbied so called “yellow unions”, that offers economical security benifits but without politics for a much lower fee price have chipped away at the older more classic unions.

    The US is one of the most active places union wise these days. God knows they need it.

  • Imagine this scenario.

    You have a representative democratic system that degrades itself completely decade after decade while the culprits stuff their pockets and make careers out no longer representing the people that voted for them.

    After so many decades of automating and accommodating financial interests, to the point where lobbies and corporate interests basically write the laws the politicians sign, the system is now completely broken and is no longer, in any way shape or form something that represents the interests of the people.

    It is not privilege, but necessity to abstain from voting for actors in that system, unless they want to change it.

    And I haven’t even covered how the system you are voting for are using war, death and terror to further, spread the domination of the same financial interests, and even destabilize and meddle in other democratic processes all over the world.

    If there was a candidate that atleast pretended to want real change, I would absolutely encourage everyone to vote. But there isn’t. Not even the slightest.