• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • TootSweet@lemmy.worldtoHumor@lemmy.worldA cruel prank [War and Peas]
    1 day ago

    But the airplane has a verifiable answer.

    That’s just the thing though. Everyone claims to have the objectively correct answer. But there’s no broad agreement as to what it is.

    If the starting force is applied to the wheels, which push off the ground, then the airplane will remain stationary.

    Is that really even an “airplane,” though? If that’s true of the hypothetical in the question, I’ve never heard it mentioned, and it seems counter to the spirit of the question.

    But if it uses jet engines or props, which push off the air, then the plane will move forward.

    But the formulation I’ve heard of it says that “the treadmill goes at exactly the same speed as the wheels rotate.” It follows that the plane cannot be moving either forward or backwards. (Assuming no slipping of the wheel against the treadmill, which I’ve heard explicitly stated in the question, If the plane is moving forward, then the wheels are necessarily rotating faster than the treadmill. If backwards, slower.)

    The versions of the question I’ve heard specify there’s no wind, so the only way I can see for that to be true is if the friction of the wheel against the axle produces sufficient backwards force on the airplane to keep it from moving forward.

    But the versions of the question I’ve heard also specify no friction between the wheel and axle. So either there’s something putting extra backwards force (I don’t want to call it “drag” because I believe that term’s usually reserved for air resistence) on the plane, which I definitely don’t think is in the spirit of the question or the question itself is nonsensical.

    So, the proper answer is neither “the plane takes off” nor “the plane does not take off.” It’s “either the question itself is self-contradictory and thus unanswerable or it leaves out important details, in which case if I’m allowed to make up more details, I can make the answer whatever I want.” (If I decide the plane is tethered to something to keep it from moving forward, the answer is almost definitely “it doesn’t take off”, unless the propellers themselves produce enough wind to create lift. If I instead decide the treadmill itself is moving “forward” (from the plane’s perspective) relative to the air, then the plane does achieve lift.)

    Or it’s possible you’ve heard a different version of the question than I have that, for instance, didn’t specify that the treadmill goes exactly the same speed as the wheels. If that’s the case, then yes, all else being equal, the plane would take off. If it instead didn’t state no friction between the wheel and the axle, I think the most reasonable answer, though one still not in the spirit of the question, would be that the plane would not take off.

    One more thing to mention. I know MythBusters tested this one and that the plane took off, but the wheels of the plane and the surface of the treadmill either didn’t go the same speed or the wheels slipped against the treadmil. (As evidenced by the fact that the plane moved forward.)

  • I honestly fully believe that proprietary software is bullshit and all software ought to be Free Software. I’m not saying I don’t use proprietary software, but I don’t trust it. If I run proprietary software, I go out of my way to try to run it in prison. I don’t let my Nintendo Switch connect to the internet except when I have a very specific reason and then I disconnect it immediately after I’m done. When I bought a robot vacuum cleaner, I bought specifically the model that I knew I could hack to not phone home. I bought a phone on which I could run LineageOS without the Google apps. (And, yes, I’m running a proprietary EFI BIOS on my main desktop machine and such. But I do take a lot of steps to limit how much influence proprietary software has on me and my devices.)

  • Theoretically if you rotated the creature 180°, it could again perceive things from its own world, though in a very different way. But you’d think a sufficiently smart 2 dimensional creature could come to recognize that it was indeed the same world just mirrored.

    Though it’s possible this creature’s chemistry would have a “handedness” and it could no longer metabolize the nutrients that exist in that world.

  • I think having a way to delete accounts is legally required by some jurisdictions. And sometimes if a site does business in such a jurisdiction and are required to have a way to do that, they’ll still offer that option those outside the jurisdictions in question. (It’s easier to just allow everyone who asks than to have rules keeping track of who can and can’t legally demand it.)

    But if this is an image board hosted in Japan intended for a Japanese audience, and if Japan has no such legal requirements (or if such requirements don’t apply here for some reason), then, your experience with websites that operate in/for countries where they speak your language(s) notwithstanding, it’s highly plausible this site just doesn’t have any way to delete accounts.

  • Your concern is that a breach of the site’s data may leak some information about you that you wouldn’t want to leak, yes?

    If so, and if you can still use similar methods to navigate the site in question, use those methods to edit your account/profile details to scrub the account of anything that you wouldn’t want to leak. Change it to use a fake name. Change the email address to somthrowaway email address. Change the password to something unrelated to any passwords you could possibly use on any other sites so that if the hash is leaked and brute forced, no one can use that to gain access to any of your other accounts. Delete individual posts or pieces of content that you’ve uploaded.

    Actually, I can read (barely) enough Japanese to figure out that the registration process seems to only want your email address and password. (Though I haven’t gone through the whole signup process.) You mentioned uploading a file, yeah? I’m guessing the amount of stuff you’d have to do to overwrite/delete every bit of data they have on you is pretty limited.

    And, yes, I suppose there’s the potential caveat that that might not affect backups and such, but I’d wager a lot of the other account deletion requests you’ve done don’t affect things like backups either.

  • And why not chew it off?

    Last time I had sushi (about a week ago), I tried a place I’d never tried before. I ordered some sashimi and they were huge. If I’d eaten those in one bite each, it would have been like that game “chubby bunny”. But then again I don’t really know how authentic this particular sushi place was. Tasted great, though.