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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

    • Ray tracing works in everything I’ve tried it in. I don’t have Cyberpunk but a quick Google tells me that it does have ray tracing and it does work in Linux.

    • So the keyboard does work, you just insist on using one specific piece of software to make the keys pretty and refuse to use any others? Does it have a MacOS/iPadOS/Android version? I suspect not. Sounds like a shit product tbh, but it clearly works, unlike what you said earlier.

    • Again, Xbox controller works fine. Wired, with the dongle, Bluetooth. All work great, no additional steps, completely plug and play.

    • I can name a bunch of software that doesn’t support Windows, Mac, iOS, Android. I don’t see how this is an OS problem. Linux has wider software support than anything else.

    You know you have to install drivers in Windows, right? And that it’s more cumbersome? With Linux in 99% of cases it’s in the kernel and you don’t need to install anything. Sometimes you’ll need to do something like type “Nvidia” into your software centre and click install.

  • Ray tracing works fine, I don’t know what you mean?

    I don’t have a Logitech keyboard, but I find it hard to believe something as simple as a keyboard doesn’t work. I have a Logitech mouse and that’s completely fine.

    My Xbox controller connects just fine with no special behaviour required.

    Windows only software mostly works flawlessly. Almost all of my games are “windows only”, and they all work fine. Which is astonishing, really. How many other OSes virtually flawlessly run software from other OSes without any tinkering?

    It’s amazing. Everything just works. Plug and play. No headaches like with Windows.

  • Huh. I find windows way harder to figure out. I guess it depends on DE, but Windows is kinda just layers of cruft, with old confusing menus mixed with newer ones, installing apps in particular is a confusing mess.

    Updates breaking things I guess depends on distro. If you go with something like Arch you’re gonna have a bad time, but that’s on you for installing Arch. If you installed Debian or something, stuff will break faaaar less often than with Windows.

    Video drivers not being built in is an odd one, because… they aren’t in Windows, but are in Linux, assuming you use AMD or Intel. With Nvidia it’s usually a case of typing in “Nvidia” in your software centre, clicking install, then being done.

    Support can be hard or easy, that’s very true. Although most stuff I see in terms of windows support is “have you tried a system restore? Oh it didn’t work? Ok reinstall Windows then”, which isn’t very helpful at all.