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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I think a lot of people here are pretty spot on with the “cats are just weird, IDK.” But more than that, there are a couple things that I think it might be. A lot of cat quirks are just instincts for outdoor activities that don’t translate indoors but they still have the pull to do it. IT sounds like she’s “digging,” which is a thing wild cats would do for a couple reasons.

    Sometimes they will dig a hole to poop in, then cover it up, but since she’s not then immediately taking a shit in your salad bowl, that’s probably not it.

    It could be a hunting action. Cats dig for bugs often.

    But the most likely, I think, is for fun. Cats are pretty intelligent creatures who’s minds require stimulation, which means they just find a thing to fidget with sometimes and get stuck on it, like a small child making toys out of random junk. If she doesn’t have enough scratching posts, she could be getting that scratching itch out. Or could do with some more toys. Or, again what I find most likely, she did it once and found that bowl to just be a lot of fun. Maybe it’s the texture or she likes the way her paws slip on it differently than other surfaces. Cats are curious, so it being a different surface may have drawn her attention and now it’s a fun toy for her.

    TLDR: cats are just weird, IDK. 🤷

  • How does that work, physiologically? We’re talking dopamine in the brain. If what that user said was true and “overstimulation like that drains your dopamine reserves (or something),” then another person being there wouldn’t make a difference.

    I mean, it’s because they have a misunderstanding on how brain chemistry works, obviously. Like, it can store it, but it doesn’t get used up from doing things that feel good. That’s what makes dopamine. And while loneliness is a problem in the general population, it’s more likely that longer lasting gratification from sex isn’t from the physical act or even just the physical act with another person, but the joy gained from the relationship as a whole. Pretending that there’s chemically something different happening in the brain just because there is physically another person there is ridiculous. I’ve had plenty of unfulfilling sex with people I didn’t like that didn’t make me happy/content afterwards like masturbating would have.

  • So… your source to back up your point is an excerpt from a fictional book written by someone who’s expertise is in writing fiction?

    Personally, I try not to take the word of someone who is not an expert, or at least versed in that particular area. Just because Pratchett was very a progressive writer doesn’t mean his opinions on gun control should be taken for anything more than his own personal position.

    And if we’re just going to cite his fiction as his opinion, we have to assume he was also pro-police violence. I don’t know how much Discworld you’ve red, but even as Vimes progressed as a character and got better in a lot of ways, he always ended up resolving the issue by skirting the actual law and bending the rules to fit his purpose. Often he would espouse how much easier his job and the city would be if he wasn’t restricted by the law. Not everyone else, they still need to follow the law, but Sam Vimes knows better. There were even times when Pratchett would start to push back on that idea like he was going to have Vimes actually understand that police aren’t special and should be as answerable to the law as anyone… then the conflict would always be resolved by Vimes going outside the law and taking it into his own hands. He never learned that lesson. Quite the opposite actually.

    So for those unfamiliar, Pratchett was so conservative, he was writing about rogue cops taking the law into their own hands before you kids ever heard those words put together.

  • But they gave their honest pov as a representation of white people in general.

    Yeah, but until relatively recently, white folk didn’t think that way. At all.

    Edit: Also, to be clear, what we currently call the “confederate flag” wasn’t associated with the entire rebellion. It was the battle flag of a specific army, the Army of Northern Virginia. It was mostly moved to irrelevance by everyone other than confederate apologists until the civil rights era when old-school racists started to put a bunch of confederate statues up everywhere and promoting the flag as a symbol in an attempt to frighten Black people fighting for their rights.

    Even before World War II, cracks were evident in the foundation of the flag’s status as a symbol of heritage. Occasional northern and African-American voices questioned the wisdom of displaying a flag they associated with disunity or treason. And young white southerners began using the flag in distinctly non-memorial ways as a symbol of regional identity.

    The growing battle over the post-Reconstruction South’s established racial order of Jim Crow segregation resurrected the Confederate flag’s use as a political symbol.

    Supporters of the States Right Party (aka the Dixiecrats) in 1948 embraced the flag as a symbol of support for segregation. Although the Dixiecrats emphasized Constitutional principal, “states rights” in the 1940s and 1950s translated, as it had in the 1860s, into the purposeful denial of fundamental human and civil rights for African Americans.

    The explicit use of the Confederate flag as a symbol of segregation became more widespread and more violent after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision. Southern states resisting federally-mandated integration incorporated the flag into their official symbolism.


  • don’t even know enough to care in the first place.

    but ultimately it’s the user who decides to use the service, and how to use it.

    So you admit they don’t have access to the knowledge needed to make better choices for their digital security. Then immediately blame them. I think your bias from the point of view of a one that is already more informed on this sort of thing. If they don’t know they need to know more, how can they be expected to do any research? There’s only so much time in a day so you can’t expect people to learn “enough” about literally everything.

  • I routinely pre-make breakfast sandwiches for the week and have pretty much perfected what I like at this point.

    English muffins a great for reheating, sourdough I find reheats the best. I typically toast them slightly as well to maintain some crunch

    What you came for: Eggs. I switch up between fried eggs and scrambled. I like my fried eggs a little undercooked, so they can be messier to eat, but scrambled eggs require a good bit of cheese to hold them together. Fried is pretty self explanatory since it’s still one piece and you just stick it on there. For scrambled I’ll mix in some cheese while I cook them, then when I put it on the sandwich it gets a slice or 2 of cheese on top to melt and hold it in place. I’ve tried using cookie cutters or muffin pans to get egg rounds, but getting a size that also matches your sandwich usually requires buying a special sized thing that’s used only for that purpose, which I try to avoid. Plus I’ve found that having the eggs in a disc shape just seems to not hold up as well over the week compared to scrambled or fried. The texture tends more to rubbery for me for some reason.

    Bacon or ham is good as well

    Instead of getting sausage patties already shaped, I’ll opt for the tubes of raw sausage. like with the eggs, pre-shaped patties are always too small and you don’t get full coverage, and you definitely want every bit to have a little of everything. So I get the tubes and stick them in the freezer while I cook most everything else, then when it’s close to frozen- but not completely solid, just more firm- take it out and with a serrated knife cut into thick rounds. You’ll want them thick because you’ll need to press them to expand the diameter. They’re gonna lose a lot of that size when the fat cooks out so make them bigger than your sandwich when you press them out. Then you can just pan-sear the patties and finish off in the oven if they’re not cooked through yet.

    I’ll then put the sandwiches together. Depending on how well the scrambled eggs are holding together, I pay stick the bottom half of the sandwiches in the oven for a couple minutes just to melt the cheese slice on the eggs and keep them where they’re supposed to be.

    Once done and they’re all put together, make sure they’ve cooled off completely and wrap each one in foil (definitely spray some non-stick spray on the foil to make it easier to remove after re-heating). Then in the morning you just toss a foil-wrapped sandwich in the over (I use an air-fryer typically but conventional ovens work as well, but will need a lower temp and take longer. But you can have that warming up while you do everything else to get ready for the day).

    It takes some time to set it all up, but I usually set aside a whole day on weekends to do my grocery shopping, cooking and prep for the week. And these sandwiches seem to keep pretty well for me. I’ve been able to make enough for as far out as 10 days and don’t notice an appreciable decline in quality.

  • Oh boy. I made the jump from SLA to (kinda) publication order. Going from his most intricate series to his first published book was almost jarring. I still liked Elantris though.

    Personally, I read through close to publication order, but grouped series together. Well, I guess it’s really just Mistborn and maybe Emperor’s Soul with Elantris, but those last ones aren’t actually in the same set, just the same planet.

  • Also sure, Mamoa is a big guy and fit, but he’s an actor, right? Not a fighter?

    It’s kind of like how Nick Offerman said in an interview once. Everyone sees him as this manly man because of the roles he plays and because he wood-works. But he’s from a real “country” family. A rural farming community where everyone was self-sufficient and real “manly” men type. He’s the one who wanted to be an actor who never has to work with his hands again.

    What I’m saying is those men have jobs where they protect people from physical violence with physical violence. Jason Mamoa pretends to hit people on camera.