Tankiedesantski [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2020


  • The PRC chip industry doesn’t need to develop exponentially. TSMC is not developing exponentially either.

    Monopoly pricing is not just broken when w 1-for-1 peer competitor at the same price appears. Monopoly pricing can be broken by a less performant alternative at a cheaper price that is suitable for the vast majority of applications. You can see this in a number of industries where incumbent players are being displaced by new Chinese suppliers who don’t quite make cutting edge stuff but can sell at a fraction of the price.

    Hell, you can see it now with older chips at bigger physical nodes where China is now a significant portion of global production.

    Will the PRC chip industry face many challenges? Of course it will. However, the PRC’s track record of going from nothing to 5nm in a few years cannot be ignored by TSMC.

  • Lean into it if you want. Have the PCs make friends with a guard NPC. Maybe do some quests for the guards. Then have the captain of the guards get killed (maybe while responding to a call from the NPCs) and then the NPC guard friend asks for the PCs help making sure that the next captain isn’t the obviously corrupt asshole/failson nepobaby/stooge of the big bad.

    Alternatively, the captain of the guards dies and the replacement is one of the above people and now the guards are suddenly much more hostile to the party, demanding bribes, refusing to act against nobles breaking the law, or trying to arrest the party to help the big bad’s plans.