• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • may help establish life on the red plane

    We should… ya know, make sure there is no life there first. Even a small planet is a big place, and we’ve looked in very few places. Also even if there is no life there’s still a lot Mars could tell us about what a pre-biotic Earth was like.

    I just think we need to examine the only other terrestrial planet in the system that won’t light you on fire fairly thoroughly before trying to terraform it into a Wish-dot-com version of Earth.

  • The terrible thing about these isn’t the fake orange juice combined with rot gut vodka, it’s that (at least in my area) they want twelve freaking dollars for this shit. That’s three bucks a can!

    You could literally buy an entire jug of not-orange juice as well as a 750 ml bottle of vodka for less.

  • I can see! Man could you imagine spending a full twenty hours a week socializing with your peers, traveling, or (*gasp*) even exercising!? Why, I’d barely be able to hold it together for my daily hour long “Business meal”!

    God knows I’d never be able to soldier through like Musk, constantly promising things like “Mars colony in two years” every year (among other things)while still having the time to spend hours posting “!!” “Concerning” or “XD XD XD” until 3 am on Twitter. Why I probably wouldn’t even have the time to signal boost white supremacists and post dog whistles about we need more babies to stave off “the great replacement”.

  • Eh… I dunno. You’d be comparing the power consumption of the laser etching machine to the energy cost of shipping oil to make the plastic to make the label, shipping the raw plastic to a facility to actually print the labels, making the adhesive, then (probably) shipping the labels and adhesive to the packing plant and then adding in the power of the machinery to that actually sticks the label on.

    I have no real numbers here but I could see zapping a avocado with a laser being the more energy efficient one.