• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • In the voting booth, incumbents ALWAYS have a MASSIVE advantage.

    Polling is incredibly unreliable. That is people that pick up the phone and talk to pollsters. Do you know anyone under 60 who does that? Additionally, a lot of those calls are on landlines. How many people do you know who have landlines? How many of those are under 60?

    The polls are heavily skewed towards boomers. This is the last election where boomers will be relevant. Millennials and Gen Z matter more in this election than ever before.

    Replacing an incumbent 3-4 months before an election is the stupidest fucking idea since trickle down economics.

  • GTFOH with this bullshit.

    It’s really a shame that the President makes every single decision on his own and handles absolutely everything by himself. It would be a better system if we had some sort of “cabinet” of advisiors all focused on different areas of running the country. It would be more like an “administration” instead of just what we have, which is one single guy who does everything and look, Biden is too old to do all that. If only there was some other way that he could have some assistance…

  • “use the link or cancel the attachment”

    The criteria where you would want to “cancel the attachment” here, is when a link would have been inserted in it’s stead.

    I’m not upset. I am utterly bewildered at how a (presumably) functional adult in 2024 doesn’t understand basic email or how cloud drives work.

    In looking back I realize that you’re one of those people who confuse emphasis with anger. I can’t really help you there. Out of curiosity, are you the type of person that reads a sentence with a period at the end as aggressive in a text message?

    You say something like: “I think we should do x”

    Person replies as: “Ok that should be fine.”

    Do you read the response as aggressive (active or passive)?

  • Nope, I just deal with OneDrive support constantly and I can say definitively that it’s pretty decent at what it does, and if the links you are getting or sending are not working, it is your fault.

    If you want to bitch about something substantive, how about bitching about how 365 has like 20 admin panels that are opaque about what they are and what they do, terrible menu layouts in those menus, etc.

    That stuff is a very real problem.

    Some boomer who can’t figure out how cloud drives work is not a real issue.

  • Don’t get it twisted. You’re the one that is flying in the face of overwhelming data, not the other way around.

    It’s not his fault that you refuse to read anything at all about history. But to help you out I will give you a very notable one.

    One notable instance of a persecuted minority group gaining rights and eventually persecuting their former persecutors is the history of Christians in the Roman Empire.

    During the early centuries of the Common Era, Christians were a minority group within the Roman Empire and faced periods of intense persecution. This persecution included being blamed for natural disasters, subjected to public executions, and targeted during the reigns of several emperors, most notably Nero and Diocletian. Christians were often forced to practice their faith in secret to avoid these harsh penalties.

    The turning point came in the early 4th century when Constantine the Great became emperor. In 313 CE, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted religious tolerance to all religions, including Christianity. Over time, Christianity not only became accepted but also began to receive imperial patronage. By the end of the 4th century, under Emperor Theodosius I, Christianity became the official state religion of the Roman Empire.

    Once in a position of power, Christians began to persecute those who did not conform to their religious views. Pagan practices and temples were suppressed, and non-Christian religions were marginalized. Heretical Christian sects were also targeted. For example, the destruction of the Serapeum of Alexandria in 391 CE and the persecution of pagans and Jews are indicative of this shift from being persecuted to becoming persecutors.

    Now, piss off and I’m blocking you for wasting everyone’s time and arguing in bad faith. I have better shit to do than teach you history that you should have learned in 9th grade.