• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Hey, that really sucks and I’m sorry it’s happening to you. You sound very competent and like you take pride in your work.

    Here’s my advice:

    1. Don’t quit without another gig lined up.

    2. Start looking for a new job now. A bad boss can ruin even a great job, and managers in particular are hard for a company to get rid of. She’ll likely be in that position awhile. You’ve got a boss who is incompetent and has already displayed some loose ethics. You don’t want to stick around that.

    3. Incompetent bosses can sometimes be a good thing because they’re easy to fool. Consider pulling back on your work production so you can focus on designing a great resume and prepping for interviews.

    And remember the most important rule: “A company will get rid of you just as soon as it’s convenient for them to do so. You should be ready to do the same to the company.”

  • The nice thing about opening up to friends about it is that they can help you baseline.

    For instance: when things were really peaking my anxiety a few months ago, I was in distress because I felt like I wasn’t important to my SO anymore. I communicated my fear and the situation to a friend and he was able to give me a different perspective: that the way I was thinking about relationships was zero-sum, but that my SO’s heart may have enough room for both all the love I needed AND her new friends. I just need to communicate with my SO if I’m actually feeling neglected or not.

    It was good for me to hear from another person that the way I perceived the world isn’t necessarily the way everyone does.