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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Lol, if there was an anti-anybody militia that sometimes acted against other states within the US. The US would raid their complex, set it on fire, and shoot people trying to escape.

    Then, the government would blame the children and other non-combatants’ deaths on the militia. The public then will watch documentaries made on the subject over dinner.

    Pager bombs aimed at extremists are not an American concern. Even if there was a level of non-combatant causilities. If anything, it’s a fun news blip of the week and will be forgotten in less than a month.

  • Intresting paper. It is not the conclusive evidence that you think it is. It’s ok, reading science is hard.

    Paper concluded that the vegan diet did not seem to have adverse effects, but they had a very small sample size and the expiriment went on for a very short duration.

    And then they site scientific papers that disagree with their findings. So there definitely is science out there that disagrees with the vegan diet being ok.