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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I feel driven to respond after reading your response to BugleFingers (whose response I agree with). It really sucks you are feeling shame about your difficulties with working. I believe a lot (not all) of the difficulties that neurodivergent people have with work isn’t anything to do with them, but about the pressures of living under the tyranny of late-stage capitalism.

    I don’t think you not being able to work without burning out is evidence there’s something wrong with you, I think it shows that most people don’t get any kind of support in finding sustainable work. I hope you can find a way to forgive yourself for whatever you feel are your failings around employment because you’ve done nothing wrong.

    Apart from what BugleFingers wrote (especially doing work you are interested in), I found self-employment/freelance work to be life changing. I like being my own boss because I can choose when I work and when I don’t (with restrictions, obviously) and have found a way to make it work for me and my family.

    It feels important to say it took me time to get to a point where this was financially practical, though. I went through a lot of jobs where I went through a cycle very similar to yours (don’t listen to the person trying to diagnose you with more disorders; you getting depressed from work doesn’t equal another diagnosis). I found my profession by doing jobs that seemed interesting and honing down what I actually liked. I think it’s about balancing out what is important to you (e.g., making money, having nice things, having free time, ext.) with what is necessary (e.g., housing, food, bills, etc.).

    I hope you can find a job that works for you, OP. Good luck.

  • This has been going on for years, including inside the EU, for those wondering. You can test to see if it happens for you by going to a flight website, getting a price for a flight, then go back a few times to search for the same flight.

    The question of what you do to fight it is by clearing the cookie for the website, using a different browser and/or changing your location/block tracking (use a VPN or tor). Usually clearing the cookie is enough.

  • If I had the choice I would have gotten a Supernote A5X because they are a more ethical company, conscious of sustainability (their pen nib does not need replacing) and they provide a road map for updates so you know what’s coming. I’m not able to get one, however, because I live in the UK and shipping and taxes end up nearly doubling the cost.

    That said, from what I read, the best writing experience is with the reMarkable, though as others have said, the subscription service is a frustrating addition. They give you a year free when you buy new. This was my best option and I’ll be getting one soon.

    I also looked at Boox which has color options and a back light but the writing experience isn’t as good because there is a gap in the screen where the back light is meaning its more like writing on a white board than paper.

    This blog solely reviews ereaders and they go into a lot of detail: https://goodereader.com/blog/