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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I think that taking a hard-line “policy” on something is inherently stupid. Everything has nuance, and having very strong, rigid opinions about the hot-button issues of the day doesn’t make you smarter or better than those that are more apathetic.

    I’m generally pro-choice, but I fully understand why many people have issues with abortions and I don’t really blame them for wanting to outlaw the practice. I’m in favor of SOME increased gun control, but I also think that people are wayyyy too obsessed with guns in general. There are other things that kill a lot more people than guns but nobody’s freaking out about those. So honestly I think there isn’t much to be gained here by trying to make guns harder to buy, or taking people’s guns away, or whatever.

  • Completely disagree.

    1. Noodle is hilarious and his pregnant pauses are top-tier.

    2. This video was specifically defending the indie dev, Nelson, that made the post that kicked this stuff off. Sure, other AAA devs responded to him, but it was Nelson that got most of the negative attention and death threats, even though his opinions were VERY measured and reasonable. It was also a criticism of the IGN guy that directed everyone’s attention and pitchforks towards Nelson by cherry-picking his statements and taking them out of context.

    3. The specifics of the length/scope of the game are honestly less important, IMO. The video is just a level-headed look at why this excellent game is so excellent, and why it’s unrealistic to expect every game from now on to be like this. That, and he’s trying to get gamers to chill the fuck out and stop with the death threats.

  • I don’t get it, what’s to appreciate here? They bought a thousand plastic drones from China with a thousand disposable lithium ion batteries that are bad for the environment, and had them shipped over on a cargo megaship that spews smog into the atmosphere. They’re utilizing a bunch of things that have fucked the environment to do a little light show to “raise awareness” over a city that is already full of people that don’t need to be convinced that climate change is a problem.