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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I grew up despising liver. Other organ meats qere fine (especially steak and kidney pie!) But I could not do liver. Just…ugh.

    Had it at a local diner recently, for reasons I have a hard time elucidating…and while I didn’t love it, I appreciated it far more. Now I few a sort of once-in-a-blue-m9on obligation to have it - even now, having hit middle age, it feels like an obligatory ‘grown-up’ thing to do, a requisite act of adulting.

    That said - I also used to hate avocado, but Inexplicably sushi changes that. The one thing from my childhood that is a hate I’ve never revisited is frozen baby lima beans. They were always chalky, bitter, dry, and nasty…yet I saw a lima beann and bacon hummus recipe and some hithertofore unknown part of me wants to try it.

    Corgiettes are tight out due to having had toblive off of them f or a summer. NEVER AGAIN.

  • You’d be better seved taking a more croquette approach - especially Japanese potato and salmon croquettes. I prefer to use gresh cookror frozen, but canned CAN work. Main thing is seasoning your spuds, making then not too big, and frying at the right temp. As a bonus, they ait fry rather well, and I have previously cheated the ‘binding’ by miing buttermilk and a bit of kewpie mayo, dunking the croquettes in that, and tumbling them in panko.

  • I’m not sure what annoys me more - her stupidity, her open hypocrisy (wouldn’t care if she was an adulterous harlot if she wasn’t part of a party that is regressive and oppressive), or the fact that people value her for a combination of her appearance and deliberate offensiveness. She exhibits every behavior that Aviator wearing redneck truck video makers imagine ‘them Antifas’ do,being shrill and obnoxious and ‘disrespectful’, and they’re okay with it because they think it somehow ‘owns the libs’.

    Wasn’t able to pull her bullshit when her Fuhrer was indicted in NYC - she needs more FAFO in her life.

  • The biggest shock/challenge to me is how many would explicitly be okay with the example set for their children or acceptance of such as a prospective in-law. You ask any of those chucklefucks if they’d let their daughter date a jackass like a Trump clone, they’d almost guaranteedly balk…unless they are the sort to admit they’re exactly the same. And those would be the sorts who would encourage their sons to act the same.