I was making something in another world of mine with redstone and running into one obstacle after another. I got so frustrated I made this and decided to record it and make a meme on Canva lol.
I was making something in another world of mine with redstone and running into one obstacle after another. I got so frustrated I made this and decided to record it and make a meme on Canva lol.
Not an End portal. A command block with a “/teleport” command to a higher elevation. It is the start of a project. I am going to turn it into a hollow pillar with subsequent water layers to fall through. I want to make it into a music video.
Lol I made this meme on Canva. This is played on Switch.
Cat blanket my wife got from the CatLady monthly subscription box.
Once I split a pizza with a homeless guy. I thought I’d made a friend too after a conversation, but he never appeared anymore in the area. Sometimes shelters ship you by bus to other areas when they are full. Maybe he was temporarily in my area or maybe he found a better living situation.
It’s nice to see one animal helping another.
I would never have guessed!
So, it was never official? They need a bill for this!?!?
I did end up researching Pavlov after posting and whether he had any famous paradoxical discoveries. This joke was copypasta from a submission site I am afraid, lol. They are doctors, a pair of docs.
When Dad tells jokes from the shower…
Some of the cats might be dead due to Shrodinger’s paradox.
They are doctors who have paradoxical theories (pair of docs) but after some research Pavlov’s theory of conditioning is not a paradox so the site I ripped this joke off of may have used the wrong doctor.
And that I was lied to in school about him inventing it. I didn’t know peanut butter was so old.
I forgot you could do that. I had a habit of making sure I subbed before commenting. Lol.
Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.
It both makes sense and doesn’t at the same time but eventually the punchline might ring a bell.
My cats would turn the tree into a carnival attraction, lol.
Morty: “GRANT-ed! Rick, did you think it was granite!? To think you were some kind of rock or boulder person. I can’t believe you didn’t know the right word was granted.”