I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 78 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I feel this comment.

    One problem I had though was that some of my teachers were like, “I think he should be tested for ADHD and/or autism,” and my parents going on a tirade about it not being real or some shit.

    Of course I only found that out after I got diagnosed with ADHD (still haven’t got the courage to ask my doc about autism though) and told my parents therefore triggering they’re tirade aimed at me where they mentioned my teachers talking about it pretty consistently in school.

    Would have loved getting that diagnosis when I was younger than 29.

  • I didn’t say it’d kill all complex life, I said complex life would be greatly impacted.

    For example ocean acidification is tempered by reacting with build ups of calcium which is the building blocks of many things in the ocean. Shelled critters and corals immediately come to mind as examples of directly impacted complex life.

    As the corals die and can no longer form due to acidification that whole ecosystem collapses.

    The stuff that eats the phytoplankton (sensitive to ocean acidification and heat) no longer can eat it due to it dying along with the other little micro organisms, also suffers from ecological collapse.

    A big issue that impacts complex life is how quickly it can adapt to the changes in their ecosystem and if they can find new places to go or new things to eat.

    For example E. Coli: it has quick generations so it can adapt really quickly. This experiment has been going since the late 80s and the E. Coli has gone through over 70,000 generations and they’ve seen a lot of changes. If you went back that many human generations it would take you back before modern homo sapiens.

  • Basically it’s due to the heat, acidification of the ocean, and the massive drop in oxygen production as the ocean acidifies.

    Most of the oxygen we breathe is produced by microorganisms in the ocean and as the ocean gets more acidic (from absorbing CO2 from the air) and hotter (from greenhouse effects) it makes it harder for those little fellas to survive. And when they die their impact on our breathable air goes away. And if course the stuff that’s eats those organisms no longer have food and due off.

    That’s not even mentioning just the heating from greenhouse effects making unlivable temperature conditions (humidity + heat = unable to cool down and overheat) more likely to occur.

    All life wouldn’t perish per se but the current complex animals we have (and us humans) would be greatly impacted to say the least.

  • I used to have a friend that I’d always have to pick up when we would hang out at my place (they didn’t have a car). Either I’d pick them up or a mutual friend would who was also hanging out that day. We both had the same routine for the guy without a car.

    We’d text them 30 minutes before we left saying we were leaving in 30 minutes, text them when we left (which was a 20 minute drive), and then we’d text them when we got there. They’d not be ready for 30 minutes or more a lot of the time. Eventually we told them that if we wait 10 minutes we’re leaving without them and not hanging out that day.

    The first time I left without them I got a text an hour and a half later from them saying that they just came out and wanted to know where I parked. Literally 90 fucking minutes after I left they messaged me. The text that they sent me when I got there was “Awesome! Be right out.” And they expected me to wait 90 fucking minutes for them after that.

    We left without them over a dozen times (not consecutively) before we stopped hanging out with them for different but related reasons. A complete lack of mutual respect and a complete lack of respect from them towards others.

    I haven’t spoken to them in years and it still makes my blood boil at times thinking about them.

  • Oh yeah the “go for x, break for y, then go again” thing never works for me unless it’s go for hours with headphones on, then break in a specific manner for 10-15 minutes, then go again. Then maybe I’ll be able to finish properly.

    It shouldn’t feel like we have to fight our brains to get shit done but I swear half the time it feels like I have to enter the Goddamned Konami Code just to get my shit done lol.

  • I find that breaking my tasks into much smaller little tasks helps a lot. That way instead of failing to do one task I’m failing to do 50… wait.

    Joking aside breaking the tasks apart helps me a lot. It’s not “I need to clean my apartment,” it’s, “I need to clean my living room, bedroom, and dining room.” And even that more task heavy list gets broken down a lot where basically each room becomes zones.

    I might not finish the living room today but cleaning that end table will be something I can revel in finishing.

    For me it also helps me practicing point-and-call for the tasks I need to do. It helps lowering my chance of getting distracted while I’m doing something and also helps prevent mistakes on more complicated tasks.