Gaywallet (they/it)

I’m gay

  • 164 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022

  • We weren’t surprised by the presence of bias in the outputs, but we were shocked at the magnitude of it. In the stories the LLMs created, the character in need of support was overwhelmingly depicted as someone with a name that signals a historically marginalized identity, as well as a gender marginalized identity. We prompted the models to tell stories with one student as the “star” and one as “struggling,” and overwhelmingly, by a thousand-fold magnitude in some contexts, the struggling learner was a racialized-gender character.

  • These issues happen in other communities as well, violations just seem to happen more often in politics than anywhere else, probably because of the charged nature of politics and the increasingly polarized environment.

    I wasn’t reflecting upon the faith of the position. What was bad faith was your assumption that the other person was ignorant of the way the world works. There are countless other possible explanations for this person was merely quoting the article as a response to someone being excited that Musk might get prosecuted for doing something that arguably should be illegal and he should be punished for. It’s also not a good look that you’re going around replying to people with a short response which includes a clown emoji that adds nothing to a conversation or the fact that you’re immediately questioning a moderator rather than reflecting upon your behavior and approaching the suggestion from a place of good faith. I wouldn’t be stepping in and having a conversation with you if I didn’t think this kind of behavior was harmful for the community in some fashion. Keep in mind, I didn’t remove your content or ban you, I simply started a conversation because I want this community and our instance to continue to be a nice place.

  • You’re shifting goalposts again. He claimed to be a blow against fascism because his opponent was Trump. So either you’re making the claim that Trump is less fascist, specifically on these issues, or you’re shifting the goalposts from your original statement which was a direct reply to someone airing their grievances about Trump who is unequivocally worse for minorities than Biden was or that Harris will be.

    We’ve warned you repeatedly about interacting with bad faith in Politics. If you want to talk about the ever-present and upsetting ways that minorities are treated, the need for better protections and quality of life for the working class, the need for better health care, higher education, and an anti-war message, you are more than welcome to spread that message. But you can’t do it in a way where you’re attacking people who are attacking Trump because you are upset about the democratic party. You’re implying that they don’t hold these values because you’re upset, and it just upsets others.

    I’m giving you a 7 day site-wide timeout, and if you come back to politics and continue to instigate with others in a way that’s accusatory, treats their statements with bad faith, or otherwise is not nice behavior we’re going to remove you from politics.

  • Started and finished 1000xResist over the course of a few days. In general I often find myself turned off by games with aging graphics, not for any good reason but more that I just find less of a pull towards them. I have more trouble being engaged or immersed, unless there’s a really strong art focus. This is one such game that I was worried I wouldn’t get pulled into, and in fact one that sat on a list of “maybe I’ll pick it up” because it was so highly reviewed but I was worried about that facet. It did not take very long for the game to grip me, however, because of it’s excellent storytelling. In fact, the game is almost entirely about storytelling, so there’s not a ton that I can share other than to say that it deals with a lot of difficult themes like intense trauma, bullying, having a tough childhood, extreme ideologies, and the long term effects of violence. It also deals with more societal and human issues like protests, fascism, extreme duress, how self-interested and powerful individuals can cause serious problems and inflict violence, being optimistic or nihilistic in the face of overwhelming odds, and the threat of extinction.

    While it isn’t a very long game, consisting of maybe a dozen hours of gameplay, I found myself putting it down for a while after certain chapters in order to process what just happened. The story throws a lot of curveballs and reveals information that can easily change the way you frame entire chapters of the story from earlier, but it never feels like it’s done in a way that inspires whiplash - nothing ever feels like a ‘sudden’ realization and I’m honestly not sure how much of it can be attributed to such a difficult story (if everything is fucked, what’s one more thing?) and how much is because they do a masterful job at slowly unraveling the enigma of the story that very few pieces of information ever really feel out of place. There’s unfortunately only so much I can write without spoiling the story, but I will say that it was one of the best stories I’ve heard or played through and I’d thoroughly recommend it to anyone who likes a good story or wants to explore the themes I’ve mentioned above. Also, if anyone else out there played through this, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the story… what did you think? Do you have any lingering questions left over? Were there parts of the story that irked you or that you found particularly moving?

  • It is specifically targeted at folks who are not purely a binary gender (arguably by definition not cis, but I’m not going to enforce labels on anyone). Their preface/definition can be found below:

    Who can take part?

    The gender binary is a societal model that classifies all humans into one of two categories:

    Woman/girl – always, solely and completely
    Man/boy – always, solely and completely

    If you feel like that doesn’t fit your experience of yourself and your own gender in some way, you are invited to participate. This includes, but is definitely not limited to:

    people whose genders change over time
    people whose genders fluctuate in intensity
    people who experience more than one gender at a time
    people who don’t experience gender at all
    people whose gender is neither male/man nor female/woman

    We also welcome anyone who:

    rejects gender altogether
    feels like they’re outside of gender
    feels like they transcend or move beyond gender or the gender binary
    doesn’t really understand gender as it applies to them
    is questioning whether their flavour of trans might be binary or nonbinary

    It’s completely up to you whether you feel you fit any of these. This survey leans on the side of inclusive.