• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • I also suffer from insomnia - I regularly get 3 hours of sleep per night, and rarely get more than 6 (rarely as in 1-2 times per month). For a week and a half or so, though, after a death in the family, I was getting between 0 and a half hour per night, with obviously no deep sleep.

    I developed severe ataxia (I couldn’t walk without a cane), I lost the ability to speak coherently and it would take me minutes to form a sentence. I couldn’t follow conversations, and my appetite decreased to the point where I was down to about 50-100 calories per day (eg, I could sometimes manage a can of coke).

    When your brain starts to shut down, things really go south pretty fast. I managed to kickstart things using those meal substitute drinks (which I’d consume by chugging it in one go), and eventually my eating and normal 3-6 hour sleep pattern came back, but I was probably about 24-48 hours away from needing an ambulance.

    Luckily I live with my partner and although I put them into a panic, I didn’t have to manage the house/pets and just took sick leave from work. Even after going back, it took some time to return to my normal level of working. At the peak, I would have been absolutely incapable of operating if I lived alone.

  • First of all, you should do only those things you feel comfortable with. You should state your desires clearly so as to not mislead people, and that might lead to some missed opportunities, but you should lean into that and find it totally acceptable. If you get to feeling a weird vibe from a guy, you should just bail out. Consent is everything.

    You’re correct that oral sex is not risk free. Know where your comfort zone is and communicate that. You can also talk to your gay-friendly healthcare provider and see if they have particular advice or if there are any outbreaks of concern in your area.

    It’s okay to cuddle on the couch and see where it goes, but again I’d advise being super up front about what you’re looking for. A lot of younger and less experienced guys want to take things slow, and the people you hook up with should respect that. It’s not at all uncommon, but some guys will push or try to test your boundaries. Don’t let yourself get manipulated.

    I’d advise considering going on prep if you’re having sex, just because sometimes things get out of hand (so to speak), and you don’t want to have those regretful worries. Again, a gay-friendly healthcare provider can give you more specific guidance and set your expectations. Of course, you have to realize that it’s only about HIV, and there’s a ton of other STDs to think about. It’s a good idea to get screened for STDs regularly if you’re sexually active unless you’re in a strictly monogamous relationship.

    It’s also a good idea to just get friends and a social network in the community. At some point, everyone will have had sex with everyone else, and things are a lot more comfortable when you’re all part of the same social circles. You can still hook up with strangers, but having your go-to people can really help.

  • So I’m curious about this kind of thing.

    I’ve been playing since the blue box days (on and off but have been interested in getting back into it). In the games I’ve run and the groups I’ve played with, we’ve generally played in such a way that the PCs don’t get killed off if we’re doing a long running campaign. For one off games that has everyone with a new character and is finished in a couple of sessions, we will sometimes play with PC deaths, but for ones where players actually take their characters from level 1s on up, we take the plot armor approach.

    I’ve considered it appropriate because I see D&D as interactive fantasy literature rather than a game that people can lose. If a player wants to quit, we can Tasha Yar them out of the story, but otherwise we manage it so that they end up wiping and getting another go (eg, the way it works in a game like WoW), or whatever works for the storyline.

    If you do have character permadeath in your games, do you have the player just roll another 15th level whatever and join the party as a new character? Does role playing get affected by that?