• 8 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.todaytopolitics @lemmy.worldYour vote isn't enough.
    8 hours ago

    JFC you don’t understand.

    Imagine this hypothetical: If I recruit you into the police force, give you a badge and a gun, and send you out without bullets: you still can’t shoot people. You’re legally allowed to shoot people in specific contexts, but you physically cannot because you have no ammo. In order for Biden to “Get Ammo” he would need someone to give it to him, e.g. the Senate. He has plenty of stuff to use, like a stun gun or a baton.

    Biden cannot change how the government functions, the laws as they apply to everyone, or how the federal budget is allocated or capped. He can have people beaten to death in their home as an official act, but he can’t rewrite the constitution.

  • LMAO, China has been playing games with currency values and undercutting electronics manufacturers for decades.

    FYI we don’t do this btw

    In 1979, President Carter proposed a Trade Agreement that changed China to favored trader status with much lower tariffs across the board, and in return China agreed to a cap on textile output so as not to flood the market with cheaper goods than the USA was producing.

    The 1980s saw even more favorable deals in exchange for similar restrictions as Reagan was eager to work with China.

    Trade broke down in the 1990s over China committing crimes against their own people, broadcasted live across the entire world.

    In 2000 President Clinton helped China enter the WTO to renew trade again.

    And in return they spent the last 24 years shitting the bed, doing everything in their power to mess with any market they can, like sharks drawn to blood.

  • Sales aren’t everything. China has ~44M Metric Tons of REE reserves, Vietnam 22M, Russia 21M, Brazil 21M, India 6.9M, Australia 4.2M, USA 2.4M, Greenland 1.5M.

    However, specific metals out of the 17 have wildly different graphs, such as Palladium commonly used in military armored plating being produced mostly in Russia and South Africa. USA produces many times over as much Palladium as China reports.

    If China’s domestic use concerns are actually for military use then that’s troublesome because the metals they have are more useful for automation and electronics than anything else.