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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Well, the statue will be more than material when he will be judged by the law.

    The most funny thing is that you believe the infernal potentates are all aligned and following a ruler. By definition the hellish powers are independent and individual in their scopes and objectives, Satan fought God exactly because he didn’t recognize its ultimate authority over his own free will. Confusing Satan with Baphomet is like confusing Drumpf and Putin: they both are evil and terrible people supporting one another when their interests collide while also ready to jump at each other throat should the situation require so, but I would never accuse Drumpf of having moved war to Ukraine since it was Putin to do so.

    But I don’t see you as a reasonable person so I presume this distinction will fall flat at your feet. Oh well, nothing bad, the guy will still be judged for his actions and will suffer the consequences (hopefully) for his sensless violence. Keep seething in your ignorance good boy

  • Quod erat demonstrandum (as it was demonstrable) you completely ignored me showing you Biden kept the same policies of the orange cheeto in place when he arrived in the white house as well as the fact that the biggest thief of common resources are huge corporations and not poor immigrants coming to America in search of a better life.

    Keep talking about being stuck in echo chambers for everyone else without reflecting about yourself as it is a standard for brainless people, I’m sure you’ll fit right in the crowd who will vote for the biggest threat to the democratic world next November.

  • The poor and desolate are not such due to Biden “Open Immigration policy” (lmao, Biden has been continuing the same policies put in place by his predecessor as you can see here) but rather by the continued steal of resources put forward by commercial entities which have used the events of these past years to ramp-up the prices of their goods and services well beyond the natural increase rate caused by the same events (see point 2 of the paragraph “Ways to fight inflation” in the report at this link for reference).

    Of course I know the play book you operate on. You will ignore it or claim the sources are bias continuing to live in your own echo chamber.

    Mean while the poor and desolate continue to get screwed over by interest groups and this capitalist-centred society.

  • There’s actually another side to consider, religious zealotry and extremism. American Christians (and also some European ones I would imagine) see the existence of the Israeli state as the cornerstone of the prophecies surrounding the return of Christ and the end of times.

    This blind belief by itself it’s enough to justify the expenses and costs related to maintaining an Israeli presence in the holy land. They want Jews to be there because it’s part of their prophecy that when Jesus is going to return he will have to punish the people who betrayed him and his father.

    When they tell you that drugs are bad and damage your brain they are confusing drugs with religions.

    Fucking losers