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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • but on people who make poor decisions.

    What types of poor decisions? Decisions in faith? Family? Finance? Fitness? From the top level comment of the comment thread I read it as finance as that’s the thing related to food in the original post. I read this story as our stewardship of things God gives us. (Everything from the work of our hands to our minds to our relationships to wealth) He who is given much should use them and not keep them hidden away for later

    little talent

    Talent refers to money in the literal sense (Or more accurately a weight for metals which could be traded as money) It is a large amount of money.

    The parable of the wedding feast is about people neglecting their faith and still expecting to be a part of the Kingdom of God. It’s not about how much money they have, but instead if they actually practice their faith. If you know the scriptures, but say you’ll be righteous later, then you’re that person who isn’t clothed for the feast. We are called to keep our faith and grow faith in others with the gifts that God gives us.

    Supply Side Jesus on the other hand tells us that it’s not worth investing our time and resources into people who are poor, and that instead the rich will lead us to have an efficient church. That is fundamentally backwards to Christianity, as it is the poor, the hurt and the suffering who need it the most. There’s a reason why some churches put the Beatitudes in their liturgy. But at the same time, this is how our welfare system is run. To get the freeloaders off

  • I did, and though we can expect those with a talent to be profitable, what about those with a tenth of one?

    Let’s put that parable in modern terms. One day a hedge fund manager decided to leave the country for a while to his other home overseas. He went and told His workers to go and be profitable with the money. And so he gave one a million dollars , another 100, 000, and another $50,000.

    The one with a million dollars, invested his money and time into making a new business. He managed to turn that $1 million into $2.3 million. The one with 100,000 managed to make $170,000 with shrewd investing. But the man with $50,000 sat on it and didn’t do anything. He put it in a savings account and left it there.

    The hedge fund manager came back, and saw how successful the other managers were. And he asked the one with 10k "Why didn’t you do anything with what I gave you?

    The one with the 50 k said “I didn’t want to lose any of the money.”

    The manager rebuked him though because he could have at least taken 1 year bonds and beat interest.

    It’s a parable about using what God gave you. God gives us gifts to bring in profits. Not in money, as that’s not what God really needs, but in faith. You could live for a while with 50k even. But there are people who live paycheck to paycheck who don’t have that 1 talent of silver in the first place. They’re paid 800 dollars bi-weekly. Rent is 800 dollars. Good luck living with 800 left for everything else. And you still call them lazy

    What does Jesus say about people with money? Two things stick out to me. The first one are the Rich donors to the the synagogue, and the poor woman who gives a quarter of her wealth to it. Jesus remarks that the woman gave more than those Rich donors ever will. The other is about a rich man who seeks to enter the kingdom of God and ask Jesus how to do this. Jesus tells him that he must give all his money to the poor. The man was disappointed because he had a lot of wealth.

    What boggles my mind as a Christian is that we idolize Rich people and shame poor people. When in fact The most pious people I know, are poor

    Prosperity Gospel is a scourge and a poor excuse to claim that God is on the side of the rich.

  • Maybe I’m just salty that this war is going so well for Hamas and Netenyahou both. Nenenyahou gets to satisfy his conservative base by way of ethnic cleansing and Hamas has gathered so much international sympathy that it makes ISIS look like a school fundraiser. Terrorism works, and that was Hamas’ goal at the start.

    I know that under the UN statute, many Israeli officials are likely guilty of genocide. The ICC is going to have to decide that like they have for Russia. Netenyahou is chief among them. To excuse Ukranian Genocide by saying that we aren’t doing enough about Gaza is the main thing that I’m angry about.

    As a side note, I see the echoes of the Battle of Mosul where ISIS used many of the same tactics to cause as much suffering as possible to the civilian population. Maybe that’s what put me off from Hamas

    Unfortunately, we can’t afford to intervene in every genocide that’s happening, whether in Armenia, Myanmar, Xinjiang or Sudan. We are complicit in the genocide of Uighurs for cheap goods. I’m so tired

  • You realize that there’s a genocide happening in Ukraine too that is much more intentional than Gaza right? I’ve read Putin’s papers on Ukrainian identity, or rather lack thereof. The Russians are abducting all of the Ukrainian children and turning them into Russians by forcing them to speak Russian and indoctrinating them. They have stripped the occupied territory of young Ukrainian men to kill off families there.

    I guess that because we’re slow to provide aid to Gaza, we’re supposed to ignore the Ukrainian genocide and European security threat that is Russia.

    Good news is that we’re now dropping food aid and the Americans are putting floating docks there to deliver aid. Maybe next time the Gazan militias will distribute the food aid for free instead of selling it to the people.

    I’m not sure if you understand the politics of Gaza, Israel, Hamas, the PNA, Egypt or Iran. You have to understand all of the players before you can make a good opinion. You also have to understand what is and isn’t a war crime. And what exactly Genocide is.

    Go read UN reports and their definitions of war crimes. Learn to recognize deception in war footage. Read about the politics of each faction. And maybe then, you can have a decent opinion

  • A lot of those gospels are Gnostic writings. Those came around 200 AD and were a real decision in the church. Had The Gospel of Mary been front and center, Christian Theology would be very different indeed.

    The Gospel of Mary isn’t necessarily Gnostic, but it slots into other Gnostic texts from the time. Gnosticism was dismissed as heresy early on in the Church. There’s a church father named Irenaeus who wrote a book called Against Heresies describing the movement.

    This actually used to be a very contentious issue in the early church. It wasn’t as rosey as some people like to paint it as. Myself as a Christian, I take it as an interesting read, but not authoritative.