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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • There are quite a lot of palastinians here mate. You should really visit Palestine when you get a chance… the amount of people chanting death to the Jews is kind of absurd.

    Please try and check out some telegram groups or sites like Funker etc for leaked footage. Hamas holds them hostage during the knock-off alert. IDF doesn’t target civilians explicitly. The nuances of this war are a bit deeper than what we can convey in text here.

    Also see that Israel has asylum for gay/trans people fleeing Palestine or middle east. My point being, Israel does try to be as humane as possible in this war, but some horror stories about Hamas (and other terrorist organisations) are really depraved.

    I support peace. That is all. No more bloodshed.

    Edit: I forgot to add this… when I said perspective, I’m talking about perspective on life. Not in this war or religion or anything else. Just living and life in general