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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • The same cyclists that stick up their nose at signed and designed cycle routes and instead choose roads with highway speeds, narrow infrastructure and excessive traffic?

    The cycling infrastructure is pitiful in many popular areas, and enforcement can only do so much. “Share the road” signs have no place outside of residential low-speed areas (looking at you, Mary Hill Bypass) and cyclists plowing down main drags at half speed are selfishly putting themselves at huge risk. The whole dynamic is a hot mess.

    That’s not even getting into the cyclist-on-cyclist viscousness I’ve experienced when I was cycle commuting and following silly rules like stopping at red lights.

  • I can’t give you more information because I literally don’t know more than that.

    I’m a bitch basic internet user, and I’ve never had a site do this before, and I don’t have 3 hours to teach myself everything on the subject just for one shitty site, or to research and install whatever the current best suite of un-enshittified extensions is. I have Ublock origin running in Firefox already, so for all I know the cookies are already auto-deleting, but I really couldn’t tell you.

    If it was my card instead of someone else’s, I would have cancelled the whole thing and just picked up the tickets in person on the way home or something. Or just not given them my business (so just not seen the movie, because they have a near monopoly out here).

    I’m a mechanic, not a programmer, and at this point probably not a moviegoer again, either, because the fuss of dealing with their crap now isn’t worth seeing movies, just like we’ve basically stopped streaming anything in my household and cancelled most of the subs. Now my money can go to renovations and hobbies instead!

    In fact, the internet in general is getting to be such a pain in the ass, my usage is probably going to drop off to avoid all these headaches.

  • Their online ticket buying is atrocious.

    From last night, on a PC using Firefox:

    • crashes log in to account unless you enable all cookies for the site
    • forced 2FA to a phone number (I just hate these, it’s a way for them to steal your phone number)
    • refuses to let you buy tickets unless you re-enable all cookies for the site (and puts a countdown on that page)
    • fees are at the end of the page scroll on the 3rd or 4th page in
    • refuses to let you pay unless you add a whole-ass credit card to your account, while cookies and trackers are enabled, again with a counter

    Never have I had to disable Firefox’s onboard blocking to simply pay for something with a credit card online, I’m highly suspicious of Cineplex’s back end and the second any weird activity happens on that credit card, or email address, I’m going after them.

    They should be legally forced to use an existing well-regarded payment vendor, because whatever is going on now, they’re doing something either very incompetent, or very fishy.

  • Dog ownership is honestly just so easy to fall into without being prepared, and there’s no way to ensure people will take responsibility for the life they’re buying. You’re literally just handing over money half the time, like a car or a TV.

    I couldn’t handle anything with the energy of a husky or Aussie or shepherd, but if I hadn’t actively done the research and realized that, I would probably have a shepherd mix with too much energy right now. LSGs are right in the sweet spot for me with work, health and fitness level, etc.

    There’s nothing stopping the average person from getting in over their head. Energy levels, space, and size are all considerations that people just handwave and “figure out later.”

    For some people, life legitimately changes. Injured or sick suddenly and can’t take care of a doodle’s unrelenting energy anymore? Divorce, a death, a forced move into a smaller space, all sorts of legitimate things, but I don’t think these people’s dogs are the ones filling shelters. There’s no penalty for at-fault surrenders (rightly, to avoid more horrible options being taken), and there’s no required education to get a dog, it’s a recipe for disaster.

    People aren’t going to put more thought into getting a dog than other parts of their lives, and people are constantly doing things without thinking nowadays, whether it’s car loans, buying unnecessary TVs/phones/computers, or similar. Overleveraged mentally and emotionally.

    I think breeding legislation is the right move, but it would take a lot of will that’s not there and need provisions to handle oops litters and such without driving people underground.

  • To be fair, there are more factors in medication relapse for things like schizophrenia, bipolar, etc, than for even ADHD meds or blood pressure pills. Apparently the side effects can be awful even when they’re working.

    Life happens fast. You can be 31 and relatively healthy, then 33 and staring down $1000/month meds with the promise of rapid degeneration if you don’t take them, oh and please book a day off work to make all the phone calls and deal with the paperwork to even apply for pharmacare, because your work plan refuses to touch that amount if you haven’t applied for Fair Pharmacare first….