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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The difference would be the phrasing and specifics. “Magically switch trans people to the assigned sex at birth that they desire to be?” Works for some. “Magically make trans people’s bodies align with their specific and nuanced gender identity” is less of an issue. The problem you run into with the first is some are not interested in surgeries or are non binary so a full surprise sex swap would not be what some trans people want.

    I still think consent is important though, even if the way the magic works is basically “they get what they want”. As much as it is hard to imagine, there are also trans people who do not want to transition at all due to having family or friends who would cut them off (I think that’s a pretty awful and tragic situation to be in, but imagine the trans woman who magically changes to the shock and anger of her deeply religious family or SO, who then ostracize or reject her, or even react violently). You aren’t likely to be murdered for recovering from cancer, but in some places magically shifting assigned sex might come with some pretty awful, bigoted strings attached

  • Cyv_@kbin.socialtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldEmployers
    6 months ago

    My SO works fast food. Corporate never allocates enough hours so they’re perpetually understaffed, but the store manager has permission to call people in if needed. So there’s a lot of “your scheduled 10-4, but at 3:30 I’m gonna ask if you’ll stay to 6, or I’ll call you 2 hours before your shift to see if you can come in early”.

    Its a lose lose, nobody gets the hours they want, manager can’t retain workers, people hate being called in or asked to stay late, and the schedule is always shorthanded and mostly a suggestion. Of course nobody wants to work in that shitty mess of cost cutting and begging employees to pick up the slack that the MBAs at corporate have caused.

  • Just don’t do an insurrection and you won’t be barred from office based on the insurrection clause. I get some conspiracy theorists will try to paint everything as an insurrection now but if were at the point where that shit would fly I’m not sure whats stopping them from doing it already.

    We’ve been begging the dems to stop playing fucking nice with these idiots for years. I’m all for consequences for actions. Jan 6 was definitely an attempt at subverting our elections. Trump definitely participated in it and encouraged it. To not enforce the constitution would open the doors for worse.

  • Cyv_@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlMerry Christmas
    7 months ago

    My theory is they meant the lesson to be learned by santa and the others, through Rudolph, but they focus on him so much that you expect Rudolph to have learned or grown himself. Truth is its santa and the head elf who grow, by realizing that even outcasts have something to offer, and that being cruel is, while morally wrong, just dumb as shit because you might need a glowy reindeer snoot someday, but only if you didn’t drive them to run away and die to a snow monster. Or something.

    That or they just didn’t think it through very well at all. Which is probably more likely. Idk. But it feels a little bit more understandable if you think of Santa as the one with the arc, not rudolph.

  • I think that depends on how it was stored and if you have a way to dry it. I know some people will heat filament or use dessicant packs in an airtight container to restore old filament, but I’m not sure how effective those are since I haven’t tried any of them before.

    Definitely would suggest getting new sealed filament for anything that requires tighter tolerances or parts that need to fit together though. The filament I had wasn’t breaking or making things look terrible, but it made the filament expand as the moisture boiled off in it, so the parts were all a tiny bit too big so no parts would fit together properly.

  • Lesser restoration (5e 2nd lvl) can cure blindness, but I’m not sure if it can restore destroyed or removed eyes. So it would depend on the kind of blindness, and if it was at all magical in nature. That and from a few threads the estimate for its cost is around 40 gold. For a lot of “commoners” their income is anywhere from poor (60sp) to well off(1gp) per month. So I can easily see many mid tier peasants not having the money to have lesser restoration cast on them. Especially if they live in some tiny village where there isn’t a temple in town, like you would have in a city.

    Even in a city if the head priest is high level, and has say, 4 other actual clerics in the building not just priests, thats 18 casts of lesser restoration (wasting high lvl slots on a lvl 20 cleric) and maybe 5 per 5th level cleric. So 38 a day. In a city with tens of thousands of citizens with many myriad medical issues. Sure maybe there are 4 or 5 temples, but its still just a numbers issue at some point.

    The dnd economy is a bit wonky and its magic system is difficult to match with the world sometimes, esp high magic settings, but I think the sheer scale of the population of commoners and non magic users sort of makes it pretty understandable that disabilities would still exist everywhere except the very wealthy or capable(adventurers themselves).

    This of course all depends on what level of magic you have in your world. If it’s very high magic then maybe there are a lot less disabilities, but those that exist are less “im blind from basic eye deterioriation” and more “goblins tore my eyes out as a child and it’ll take a decently capable cleric to fix this, and also I’m blind so I make very little money so I’m SoL”

  • Trump will be just as bad, if not worse. He regularly praises dictators for their human rights abuses and wants to reimplement a travel ban from many middle eastern countries, and has stated he doesn’t want any refugees to come from those areas, I believe specifically including Gaza.

    I understand the decision you’ve made, but I disagree. I still feel that biden v trump means I vote biden, because trump is both worse for the US, and worse for the people suffering in Palestine. I hope Biden changes his stance and actually calls for a ceasefire, and I will continue to let my representatives know this.

    You do what you gotta do, but I’ll never support Trump, through direct action, or inaction.

  • I never said I supported the shit in Gaza. I don’t. I want a ceasefire. I want a free and independent Palestine. What, realistically, do you want me to do to make that happen? Voting for Trump won’t help. Voting third party won’t help. Not voting won’t help. Enlighten me.

    Or is this more “if you haven’t given up too you must be complicit” bullshit? What have you done? I’ll continue to do what I can to make a positive change, despite the lack of power I personally have. I’d encourage you to do the same, to pick up whatever hypothetical twig you have laying around and swing it, rather than putting down others for doing what they can, in the fucked up situation we are in. Citizens have political power as a collective, not individuals, and if you back out of that collective you’re just giving up what power you do have.

  • It doesn’t though. I disagree with Biden but he’s not actively trying to take away my rights. Its a lesser of two evils situation, and acting like its not is either naive or malicious.

    I want ranked choice voting so it isnt always this lesser of two evils bullshit, but that’s not the reality.

    If you don’t vote biden, that’s your choice, but that isn’t some brave silent protest. That’s giving up. What are you doing to change things? Right now. I voted in my local elections just recently. We lost every vote, but I did it anyways. I’ll be voting in any primaries I can, and for any election I’m able. When I’m financially able I’ll be donating to candidates who I personally support.

    Unless you want a full on revolution, work around the bullshit system we have to make it better. Realistically, I don’t think there is the public will for a real revolution.

    This is harsh and I mean it to be. If you don’t vote you are doing nothing. If you aren’t campaigning or helping somebody else do so, you’re doing nothing. If you are simply whining on the Internet about how both candidates are shit and you give up, then you’ve given up. Don’t pull this “enlightened” both sides are equally shit idiocy. Its simply not true.

    If you honestly think that the only way to change is revolution, then plan one. Nobody wants to hear you shout to the void that you won’t be participating in the bare minimum of directing a democracy/republic.

  • No tips, but our complex likes to offer like $100 off rent if you refer a friend to live there. Its kinda annoying when you get a pretty red and green christmasy flyer with “a gift for you!” On the top, then goes on to explain “we’ll give you a pittance if you do our advertising for us”

    Maybe just fix our dryer instead you fuckin dumbshits. I’d not recommend this complex to my worst enemy at this point.

  • Been playing age of wonder 4 with a friend, I really like that you can build your own factions and faction leaders, though I’d def install the fair play ai mod, since the ai is a lot less annoying with it.

    Also void crew, its sort of like sea of thieves in space, but very much still in early access and has some obvious issues(AA seems to not work at all for me lol). Its fun so far tho.