• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Unless I’m not seeing something, game production is expensive. Most studios are 1-2 bad games away from closing their doors. Games are expensive as hell to produce and as much as it sucks the “going public” option is sometimes the only way to go.

    It’s easy to forget but most small (1-3 people) team indie devs probably aren’t even working a salary. They split the earnings from the game and either live off of that or reinvest it into their company but the moment salaries need to get paid, or office space needs to be used (not really necessary for small teams) that’s when expenses get insanely high. I’m not a business person but I can understand why you’d want to “trim the fat” (I don’t support it at all but to play devil’s advocate, I can see the logic despite the flaws). Growth means structure, and structure means expense.

  • To be fair the price includes 10 or so original indie titles which if you go by the store front’s average game pricetag ($5.36) that accounts for $53.6 worth. (And that’s really not fair to some of the games I’ve played)

    Correction: The first season of games that come with the device total out at 24 so going off of that original 5.36 average you’d actually have about $129 give or take worth of game value, leaving the actual Playdate device at a $71 purchase for the device itself.

  • “Done” doesn’t always mean complete, generally that’s where games go that I didn’t finish, never returned, and don’t plan on ever playing again.

    But to answer your question

    Far Cry: horrible update, AI is broken, don’t care to fix it

    Far Cry Primal: Didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it, caused major eye pain too so I couldn’t play long.

    Penumbra: Requiem: Abandoned the vibes of the previous two penumbra games which were the precursors to the amnesia games, didn’t enjoy the puzzles either.

    Planet Centauri: Development Hell, no interest anymore.

    Sniper Elite: weird funky controls just not enjoyable for me got about midway through before tapping out.

    We happy few: mostly abandoned by the devs, game suffered due to being rushed.

    Out of those I beat 3, the rest I either didn’t make the return window or kept for library collection reasons.

  • I’ve just finished organizing all of my PC games into a whole ass alphabetical list with checkboxes, highlights, a damn KEY, even includes large mods and DLC

    The hope is I can use it to track games I’m playing instead of bouncing around from title to title unnecessarily or being paralyzed and picking nothing.

    Currently playing Yakuza 0, and got two other games I’m playing when I’m bored or taking a short break from the big game