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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • How can you not tell? Man’s hand is clipping into things, no tshirt is that low cut, his magic cigarette isn’t lit and that is certainly not how you spell Coca Cola.

    All of those things are immediately noticeable, they jump out at you, but there’s probably a billion other tells that it’s AI once you stop to process it.

  • I’m a nearly 40 year old who decided to have a kid at 30 because my career trajectory looked promising and none of my siblings had kids/my wife and I wanted kids. We’re those silly optimists who think if we can raise someone who loves this world and is part of the solution, we can make a difference.

    I make roughly 3x the average salary and with just one kid… I feel like I’m killing myself, doing permanent, irreversible harm to my body and mind with how much I work and how little down time I have.

    I feel like life is passing me by while I’m trapped in a dark room churning out investor gains I’ll only ever see a fraction of while the execs in my company pull down record profits and eye watering bonuses year after year, but I dare not stop, because like everyone else, I’m one moderate catastrophe away from destitution.