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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • It’s easier to get political points for helping a struggling third world nation, than to do something that helps the long term betterment of Canadians, so they stop helping us

    When were the government ever helping " us " ?

    And its really not. Trudeau is taking a beating from pro Palestine and pro Isreali groups within the country for being deceive enough. Polievere also had his rally interrupted by those demanding a ceasefire.

    Temporary foreign workers being human trafficked to do jobs that passport holders here have is a major issiue here. The idea that somehow " Canadians " living standards and class war and foreign affairs aren’t directly related is nonsense.

    The liberals aren’t even really " helping " anyone in this conflict, they’re just arming Israel and suppressing pro Palestine voices in our country. The people frothing at the mouth to limit peoples speech here should concern you too.

  • Yes. Theres plenty of Jewish activitsts blocking Isreali consulates and weapons factories in the West. There is also anti war jews in Israel. There are plenty of bloodthirsty, pro war Christian zionists in the West but the anti Christian narrative isint at play here despite they in our political class supporting this fully.

    Promoting antisemitism will just make it harder for those people to meaningfully act in solidairty.

    " We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. "

    • Fred Hampton Sr