• taanegl@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Not fond of them either, and I’m a white people too. It’s probably because we’re not working hard enough that we’re constantly miserable. So work harder, ok? That’s our identity, our cultural history, what we and nobody else do the best, because we’re so strong.

      It’s not like all our cultural history has been homogenised through the imperialism of capitalism. Absolutely not. I love rebuying crap all the time for the sake of yearly money making events. It’s great! I don’t need to learn how to make things, despite it being critical to personal and local cultural development. Definitely not soul crushing at all. I absolutely love it. Being fed through an exploitative machine that spits me out every day. It’s the best.

      Especially looking at other white people, with their dead eyes, living in ~little boxes, little boxes~, sacrificing all their individuality to freight kids too and fro, the women getting the worst of it once more, having to live half their life in the goddamn car, perhaps meeting with relatives maybe once a year, like some reunion with people you don’t know anymore so you can “catch up”, eventually leading to the the kids feeling isolated so that they can one day be chewed up and spit out by the same very same machine. It’s ~the circle of~ the nuclear family.

      It’s just the bees knees. Definetly not creepy at all. It might sound like the makings of a bland dystopia, but it’s growth… and growth is important… just not personal growth. You gotta be rich for that. Eat, pray, love. Remain beige. Remain nondescript. Be culturally incognito.

      …now where did I put that valium?