• ThrowawayOnLemmy@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Lmfao $300+?!

    What’s funny about this stuff, is Apex Legends developers more than likely gets paid to include this cross promotional material in their game, then they turn around and sell it to players. Really this is all just an ad, and if you pay for an ad you’re an idiot.

    • Risus_Nex@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      The big price tag is part of the ad! That’s how you get mentioned and people speak about it.

      Some idiots will also buy it, so there’s that, too.

      I actually don’t care if a free to play game has cosmetics you can buy. They need to make some money some how. As long as you don’t get a real advantage by paying money.

      • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
        10 months ago

        I also don’t mind being able to purchase cosmetic, non-gameplay affecting items. But I have always felt the prices are wack as fuck, even back when Horse Armor dropped. A skin should not be more than $1, IMO. Especially skins that are nothing more than a color swap.

          • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
            10 months ago

            I’m not paying so I can see the skin. I’m paying so everyone else can see how cool I look. If it’s single player, I would never pay for a skin. At the prices they charge, I don’t buy them in MP either. But I might if they were $1 or less.

              • vexikron@lemmy.zip
                10 months ago

                I am not opposed to cosmetics.

                I am opposed to having to pay more real world money for content that already exists in the game, for everyone, that has no other way of accessing it.

                You could, for example, have a cosmetic system that works something like the character creation spore:

                Design a bunch of modular elements that can be assembled together in many ways, though bounded by various constraints so they would not break gameplay.

                An even simpler version would be ok you unlocked this style of say pants, and it has various ways it can be hemmed or rolles up or dyed or have accessories mounted to it, and there are accompanying in game mechanics for being able to do all that.

                Honestly PayDay 2 has a fantastic system for its Masks: Some masks you can only get via certain in game achievements, others from luck of the draw (but its not a paid for loot box). Then the game has other similar ways to handle how you get the items to be able to customize your masks.

                PayDay 2 does not have microtransactions.

                It does have DLC. This is a far better funding and development model than MTX.

                Finally, if your sense of fashion in the real world is that you have to pay more to look good, then you have no real sense of fashion beyond signalling ‘Look At Me I Am Cool Because I Bought Expensive Thing’.

                That is not a sense of fashion, that is just flaunting your wealth in am ostentatious, crude and immature manner.

                • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
                  10 months ago

                  An even simpler version would be ok you unlocked this style of say pants, and it has various ways it can be hemmed or rolles up or dyed or have accessories mounted to it, and there are accompanying in game mechanics for being able to do all that.

                  So is your issue that people who don’t pay still have to download the content to see it on other players?

                  Would you be okay with a certain color of pants that’s only accessible through outside purchase of a dye (i.e. one that cannot be traded)? That way other users don’t need to download the dye, but they do need to have code on their machines to display that color.

                  The whole point here is to separate yourself from the unwashed masses, it doesn’t matter as much what the character looks like. It’s why the whole “blue bubble” vs “green bubble” thing is a thing, it’s a separation between “classes” of people in a sense.

                  It does have DLC. This is a far better funding and development model than MTX.

                  DLC is the same thing, especially since so many are simply enabling a license for existing content. For example, I can play maps I don’t have the DLC for provided the host has it, which means one of two things is happening:

                  1. I download the map when I connect, but still can’t access it w/o the license to do so
                  2. The map is already downloaded (that’s how most work) and I just load it up when the host verifies their license

                  The only difference is where the DLC is purchased (and maybe when the data is downloaded), and many games let you buy the DLC directly through the game. DLC can also be delisted, so what you seem to be asking for is for games w/ MTX to just jump through some extra hoops.

                  That is not a sense of fashion, that is just flaunting your wealth in am ostentatious, crude and immature manner.

                  That’s what fashion is, and why “fashionable” things are expensive. People don’t buy Rolex watches because they work better or look cooler than cheaper options, they buy them because they’re expensive and others recognize that they’re expensive. These usually have a level of quality to them, but they’re rarely more durable or have more utility than cheaper options.

                  We treat it differently because we give it a different name, but at the end of the day, those fancy stores (MK, Coach, etc) are the “poor people’s” designers and a way to flaunt some level of wealth (e.g. my in-laws gave me a ~$400 wallet from Burberry, which was functionally equivalent to other $50 wallets), and rich people do the same but with more private labels. I think I have successfully convinced my inlaws that I feel incredibly uncomfortable with such things (my current wallet cost $15-20, and I like it much better), but they still like buying that crap for themselves, despite being relatively poor (they live in an apartment, I live in a nice house).

                  It’s the same thing, people like to look successful to other people and flaunt what they have. It’s why so many rap songs boast about how much money they have, why celebrity awards ceremonies are largely about the fancy designer clothes they’re wearing, and why luxury cars are so popular (I see a lot more luxury cars in apartment complexes than my middle to upper-middle class neighborhood). For certain types of people, flaunting wealth is the point, it makes them feel wealthy, even if they’re up to their eyeballs in debt. I see exactly the same thing in upper-middle to upper-class neighborhoods, which is why I prefer to stick to the middle-class neighborhoods.

                  The same exact thing is happening with these games. People like to flaunt wealth, and that comes in a ton of forms.

                  • vexikron@lemmy.zip
                    10 months ago

                    My issue is that MTX is an exploitative predatory model for designing games and funding game development that essentially always leads to games that are unoriginal, that allows for and incentivizes very toxic social dynamics amongst its players, and that this often leads to many people with either poor impulse control or those susceptible to aforementioned toxic social dynamics will spend /too much/ of their money to the point it seriously negatively impacts their lives.

                    No, I would not be ok with a certain color being MTX only.

                    Not sure what you mean by blue bubble vs green bubble, but there are many ways one can seperate themselves from the masses in many games that feature character customization that do not feature MTX.

                    So, no DLC is not the same thing.

                    MTX to a large extent works by incremental gradualism in terms of the actual psychology of how it exploits susceptible people.

                    DLC on the other hand does not do this. Here is an outlined block of content, it usually features many new things in addition to new cosmetics, and usually all those things are not dependent on further microtransactions, but actual game play of some kind.

                    This is a much more straightforward and much less manipulative way to expand your games content.

                    While it still is not very common for games in general to allow players to play on maps they do not have, but a friend does, yes you are correct that a few games feature this.

                    This is irrelevant to the discussion of MTX, though. I do not have total and complete knowledge of all video games, but I have /never/ heard of playable maps as MTX before. Even if such a phenomenon does exist, maps are not usually tied to the player being able to alter gameplay for themselves /specifically/ or to clothing or weapons that /specifically/ are proven to be crucial elements to the toxic amd exploitative dynic that MTX creates.

                    The closest thing I can think of would be maybe an MMO with a player customizable house that has many things only obtainable via MTX, but I am not aware of a game with such features, and I would be against it anyway. Just make the things obtainable in game.

                    As to your views on fashion, I mean yes, many tasteless people view fashion only as a way to flaunt wealth.

                    That is /not/ what fashion actually is though to anyone with an actual sense of creative style.

                    This is not my area of expertise by any means but try asking actual character art designers what fashion is and how it works.

                    Different color schemes, styles of clothes, materials can all be mixed and matched, or paired neatly to convey certain elements of a character trying to be portrayed visually.

                    People who obsess over branded clothing items are nearlt always tasteless and have absolutely no sense of style.

                    It is entirely possible in many games, with and without microtransactions, to take different individual pieces of clothing amd make a unique look.

                    As example, though I dislike RockStar’s incorporation of a premium currency mechanic that allows for players to pay real world money for in game content, the games both feature a wide array of clothing choices that can be mixed and matched individually to create your own looks for your character.

                    Or, you can buy a pre made outfit and immediately be laughed at by everyone for spending money on it, because there are now thousands of other clones that look just like you, and its entirely possible to look good without doing this, you just have to put in some effort and actually, you know, have an actual sense of fashion to determine what looks good or conveys what you want your character’s appearance to convey, and when you have done this, it will actually be unique to you and your character.

                    Another example of this would be Cyberpunk 2077.

                    Its entirely possible to have a wardrobe that both looks good and is also effective in game… and is not just a cookie cutter clone of some faction or other character, but this requires actual work.

                    Much like how actually looking fashionable in real life does.

                    Further examples would be countless MMOs and even some more clothing heavy Survival Sims and MilSims at this point. Those games less commonly feature outright MTX, and again its entirely possible to do actual fashion by mixing and matching things until you find a ‘look’.

                    The point of true fashion may be said to convey certain things about yourself or the character via their attire, and the art of it comes in to understanding how styles work, how the human form works, how colors work, how materials work, and then all of this is constrained by other factors such as practicality, affordability, etc.

                    Its more impressive to pull off a good looking cheap dress than a just as good looking but 20x as expensive one, unless your entire goal is projection of wealth /over/ actually looking good.

                    Work boots are relatively common and know for being useful in hard physically demanding conditions, so both a construction worker and a soldier may wear different versions of them.

                    But when a construction worker puts on mil grade knee pads and a scavenged carrier rig, and carries a battered rifle, this conveys a very different character than a standard soldier in BDU does:

                    We can immediately tell that he is doing this not as his profession and as a rather impromptu affair, that he likely did not plan for this.

                    I list these examples to attempt to show you how fashion and character appearance is far more than a competition of wealth display: In video games and movies it is very often a means of conveying the character through ways other than what they do or say.

                    As yet another example I once designed basically Sam Fisher in Arma 3, wearing pants utilitarian enough to be practical, but also conventional enough to look like many civilians. Had a button up dress shirt with plate body armor with PRESS emblazoned on it, shades, no helmet.

                    Practical, Fashionable, Mission Appropriate.

                    And I did not need any MTX to accomplish this.

            • vexikron@lemmy.zip
              10 months ago

              Yes, thats the point.

              Here you are, considering whether it is worth a dollar to show off your fashion to those you compete against and or cooperate with.

              This is literally how it starts.

              I cannot say with certainty that you in particular will become addicted to buying more and more cosmetics, but I can say with certainty that many, many people do, especially when combined with the feedback loop of peer pressure.

              Further, there are many other alternative funding models that would easily allow for lots of in game content to be added to a game, and then you can make it unlockable via achievements or specific missions or something.

              Any one who tells you that games /have/ to do microtransactions to exist in some cases is basically nearly always lying. You can prove this easily by saying: What if all these game studios cut the pay of their executives in half or down to 1/10th?

              Its not like they need the money, and its not like they usually even make good decisions in terms of game design, when you are talking about larger studios or those beholden to large funding entities for recognizable IP rights, or some new unique graphical technology or something.

              MTX is also astonishingly easy to recognize as a deplorable joke from those who have been playing a wide breadth of games for a while.

              A phenomenon that originally started in MMOs and has since spread to other genres is this:

              When content becomes stale, when gameplay becomes boring due to those who are not good st the game leaving and those who are good basically becoming near god like, these situations often devolve into the game simply becoming a fashion contest.

              What this actually means is the game needs something new to keep it interesting, or it needs to be gently put into retirement phase, perhaps open sourcing some server material for the truly dedicated to be able to continue playing it.

              What MTX represents, with the knowledge I just outlined, is that you basically have a cookie cutter core game whose general gameplay loop is known to appeal to a certain demographic, but you /know/ the only new real content you can expect is the fashion contest, maybe a broken or OP item or weapon from a patch that will be heavily rebalanced by the next patch.

              You can also know the game will never add anything that really radically forces players to re evaluate the way they play it, because that would alienate the core player base.

              So, any game that embraces MTX heavily from the get go is thus usually always a very boring game anyway, at least to those who are interested in novel and challenging experiences, and there will be many slight variations of the same game with slightly different art, characters, or gameplay, but usually very similar core mechanics and general experience.

    • vexikron@lemmy.zip
      10 months ago

      Whats funny about this is /people still play games with microtransactions at all/.

      • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
        10 months ago

        It’s complicated.

        The game itself can be extremely good, well made, and fun. You can choose not to participate in the MTX stuff.

        Kinda wonder what would happen if such a game came out, was insanely popular, but literally nobody bought any MTX in it ever. Obviously a FTP game would just die, but would they take the hint if it was a $60-70 AAA game that also included BS MTX systems?

        It’s not like MTX is popular. They specifically go after the small percentage of players that get addicted and spend their life savings on that shit.

        • CancerMancer@sh.itjust.works
          10 months ago

          I game with people who just cannot help themselves and must buy everything. One guy spent nearly a thousand on Overwatch before he was able to walk away.

          I just don’t even tempt these guys anymore, I only ever play games that don’t abuse them. We’ve enjoyed plenty of Factorio, Valheim, Avorion, Volcanoids, Deep Rock Galactic, etc… I had to stop playing Vermintide/Darktide with them along with a few others, which has honestly pissed me off.

          Now they’re all eyeing Helldivers 2 and I’m spooked that the game is going to be MTX hell and we can’t touch it, because I’ve enjoyed a lot of Arrowhead’s previous stuff.

          • vexikron@lemmy.zip
            10 months ago

            This is a perfect example of my above reply to another user:

            Multiplayer games with a certain blend of either competitive play, or cooperative play that lends itself to competition amongst the cooperative players as to who is carrying the team vs who is getting the whole team wipe, these kinds of games /are known and understood by game developers/ to cause a toxic social dynamic amongst many of its players that escalates into basically an extremely expensive fashion competition.

            This can also be accomplished by basically nailing some niche art style, by being a very popular established brand, or by simply using cartoony graphics and appealing to basically children with poor impulse control.

        • vexikron@lemmy.zip
          10 months ago

          Its not complicated at all.

          Microtransactions are well known to be an extremely effective psychological manipulation technique that is both highly effective against basically a certain market demographic/psychological profile of players (whales), and also when combined with the social dynamics of a certain set of games with certain attributes (which are also designed and targeted through market research and psychological profiling) create an atmosphere of peer pressure that is known to be effective on basically bullying many other players into at least some MTX.

          It is a highly predatory and ethically repulsive practice that is done with precision and intent.

          You say ‘you can choose not to’ which is fine from a theoretical perspective of basically a libertarian economist, where you assume that all human beings only make rational decisions that would benefit them and do not have human emotions, desires, you know, psychology.

          The fact is there are now many documented cases of people having their lives literally ruined by spending too much money on these things. And I mean documented as in journalism on more extreme, individual cases as well as more comprehensive scientific studies.

          Further, many MTX games are also obviously marketed at children with cartoony graphics and other marketing amd stylistic techniques that are, again, market researched to understand their viability in appealing to the demographics that will be most likely to make irresponsible spending decisions.

          You claim that MTX is not popular and this basically baffles me as MTX is astoundingly popular in mobile phone games and there have been many popular games in the last few years that have featured MTX.

          Case in point to your hypothetical example of a AAA 60 or 70 dollar game with MTX would be the buggy catastrophic mess that was/is Fallout 76.

          So there is your answer: Video Gamers in general are highly susceptible to brand loyalty, and will often, very often pay for broken unfinished games, even with MTX, if those games have a sufficiently popular brand.