The former South Carolina governor instead said it was a dispute over how ‘government was going to run.’

Nikki Haley declined to say that slavery was a cause of the Civil War on Wednesday evening, placing the blame, instead, on the role of government.

The former UN Ambassador and South Carolina governor, who has seen her star rise in the first-in-the-nation primary state, was appearing at a town hall event in Berlin, New Hampshire, when a voter asked her to identify the cause of the war.

“I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run,” she responded. “The freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do. What do you think the cause of the Civil War was or argument?”

The questioner, who could not be easily heard off camera, was apparently unpersuaded by Haley’s response. When she asked him what he believed the cause of the war was, he replied that he wasn’t running for president.

    10 months ago

    The South seceded based on slavery. of Secession wikipedia&form=WIKIRE

    It doesn’t matter what Lincoln believed or planned to do; the south thought that they had to get out of they’d be forced to give up their slaves.

    Think of it this way. A cop walks into a bar to use the bathroom. A crook sees the cop, thinks that the cop is coming for her, and shoots the cop. The crook can’t say that the cop forced her to shoot. The South chose to leave because of slavery.