Anderson was elected in 2019 with a 5,733 majority with a 62% turn out.

I do not know who the group is that is aiming to remove Anderson. I do have a strong dislike for Anderson, so this one caught my attention. Looking at his nearest rivals (Ash party) brings up what looks very bad on the face of it when it comes to election tampering.

This is the Wiki page for Ashfield independents. The litany of unfounded accusations are incredible.

In 2015 Ashfield Independents leader Jason Zadrozny was arrested and charged with historic child sex offences. The case was subsequently discontinued.

This one was thrown out for lack of evidence.

In October 2022 Councillor Tom Hollis was sentenced following his conviction for harassment of his neighbours and careless driving. Part of the allegation involved making a false police complaint about a neighbour

In November 2022 Zadrozny and five other Ashfield Independent Councillors were arrested for fraud, election offences, money laundering and misconduct in public office, and remain under investigation awaiting charging decisions

On 17 May 2023, David Martin was charged for allegedly assaulting a police officer when he was arrested in November 2022

On 23 June 2023, Zadrozny was charged with 22 offences including 12 counts of fraud by misrepresentation, five counts of money laundering, four counts of income tax evasion, and possession of a Class A drug.

The fraud by false representation charges relate to the alleged misuse of Nottinghamshire County Council funds between 14 February 2018 and 16 February 2021.

As part of the same investigation, Tom Hollis was charged with two offences for allegedly failing to declare his disclosable pecuniary interest in a property, between 30 May 2019 and 10 September 2021.[16] A spokesperson for the Ashfield Independents said both Zadrozny and Hollis “absolutely deny” the charges and “look forward to clearing their name”

From reading the Wiki one complaint has been upheld and the rest are pending. Some charges are still under investigation. Shouldn’t the electoral commission be looking into this?

This is an obscene amount of allegations made against a political rival. Is Anderson using his political status to intimidate the police to do his bidding?

EDIT: on a reread I can see Councillor Tom Hollis was actually sentenced so I will scratch a line through to remove it. I have also edited part of my comment to reflect that.