• SkippingRelax@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    What a bunch of crap, the kids who play with guns they find in a closet are usually the kids who find guns in a closet. simple as that.

    So many sentences and anecdotes to describe “gun safety”. You know what gun safety really is? Do not fucking keep a gun in a closet.

    And if it is not you but grandpa who keeps them, Keep the children away from him. The sooner you all stop normalising this bullshit and do something about it, the sooner America will start moving away from schools shootings etc.

    • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You can’t be with your kid at all times in all places, and you can’t always control their environment. Teaching them to be responsible around firearms in a place where they may come across them is important.

      Simply telling them they’re bad is no different than abstainance-only sex education.

      • SkippingRelax@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Wtf is this comparison with sex this is the second time I see it in this thread sex doesn’t kill you and I am not sure I want to know how you expose safely your kids to both firearms and…sex?!?

        Maybe compare it with something else that is dangerous and you don’t need to keep in your home. People might keep in their homes but as a parent you should try to be aware and make sure it doesn’t happen. I don’t know maybe hard drugs? So what do you do to prepare your kids to that, is simply telling them they are bad not enough? Do you make sure they are prepared and familiar to be around hard drugs?

        • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          It’s like sex because it’s something that they’ll come across when they aren’t with you. But unlike guns, sex isn’t instantly deadly if done wrong. So teaching about sex can be more conceptual and when the time comes they can stumble their way through it until they figure it out.

          With guns, they shouldn’t go in blind because they’ll kill themselves or someone else. So they should be taught how to safely handle and disarm a weapon.

          • SkippingRelax@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            So not like sex at all, and you don’t handle it like sex at all either? Great comparison.

            Now how about you look after your kids so they don’t “stumble” upon a fucking gun, the same way you’d do with a crack pipe:

            1. If you keep that kind of shit at home (guns or crack pipes), take rid of it
            2. If grandpa does, not allowed to have the kids at home until they get their act clean
            3. The neighbours, school friends? How about we talk to them and make sure there are no guns (or crack pipes) lying around at their place. If there are any, probably a good idea for little Timmy not to go play in that house.

            Please go ahead and teach kids about sex btw

            • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              The point is you can’t control every environment a kid is exposed to. No gun will ever be accessible to a child in my house. Growing up, my Dad had guns, but he kept them secured and until I was an adult he didn’t have ammunition in the house. He just bought it on the way to the range or the hunt.

              But he didn’t know what was at other houses. He also didn’t always know where I was at. So he taught me about guns early and instilled responsibility around firearms as being paramount.

              Simply teaching kids that guns are bad and nothing else has been proven to be ineffective in the same way that abstinence-only sex education and DARE are bad at preventing STDs and drug use. It’s a failed approach because it doesn’t remove the attraction brought on by the mystery.

              And even though firearms in my family are kept in safes, if someone were to ask me if I had guns my answer would be “no.” Public knowledge that I have guns in my house is a great way to attract a burglar.

              • SkippingRelax@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                Mate I think you just described the US’ problem with guns, it’s unwillingness to accept it has a problem, and it’s stubbornness around you know how to handle it anyway.

                Carry on, keep guns in your house, teach to your kids it’s normal to have deadly weapons where someone lives and normalise the concept, accept they might stumble upon some and don’t take responsibility for where your kids are or what they do.

                The rest of the world has resolved this problem a long time ago but what would we know?

                • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  You can be 100% anti-gun and tell your kids to never touch a gun and ban them from visiting people who you know own guns, and they’ll still be exposed to them.

                  There’s more than 100 guns per square mile in the US. They’re everywhere. If all firearms were made 100 percent illegal and the knowledge of how to make them was magically erased from the world there would still be tens of millions of them floating about centuries from now.

                  In that context, it’s important to know about them regardless of how evil you, me, society, or anything else considers them to be.

                  If you live on a lake, you don’t just tell kids they will drown if they go near the water. You teach them to fucking swim.

                  • SkippingRelax@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Make them illegal and centuries, CENTURIES! from now it would all be the same. Meanwhile Australia begs to differ, go and read about the port Arthur shooting. And yes the us has more guns per capita than Australia had, who cares start doing something about it.

                    If you live on an malaria infested swamp in 2023 you should consider moving somewhere else or petition you local politicians and talk with your mates about draining it. Teaching your kid to drink their own piss will only take them so far.