Kathleen Folbigg was convicted in 2003 of murdering three of her children, and of manslaughter in the death of her fourth. Folbigg maintained her innocence and said the children had died of natural causes over a decade, from 1989-1999.

In 2019, an initial inquiry into the case reaffirmed Folbigg’s guilt. But in 2022, a second inquiry led by a former chief justice found new evidence suggested two of the children had a genetic mutation that may have caused their deaths.

Folbigg was released from prison in June this year after being pardoned.

“I am grateful that updated science and genetics has given me answers as to how my children died,” an emotional Folbigg told reporters outside a criminal appeals court in Sydney.

“However, even in 1999, we had legal answers to prove my innocence. They were ignored. And dismissed,” she said. “The system preferred to blame me rather than accept that sometimes, children can and do die suddenly, unexpectedly, and heartbreakingly.”

  • Custoslibera@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I am of the firm belief she killed her children and she has taken advantage of people close in her life to advocate for her freedom.

    Her ex-husband, the father of the children who died, doesn’t believe she is innocent either.

    I’d encourage anyone to read her diaries and conclude they were the reflections of a healthy individual.

    My opinion isn’t popular but I’ll die on this hill.

    • Cypher@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      How could anyone be healthy after having four of their children die?!

      There is reasonable doubt that she killed the children based on the available evidence as determined by legal and medical experts.

      Your opinion doesn’t matter at all.

      • Magrath@lemmy.ca
        11 months ago

        Yeah it doesn’t matter but he’s allowed to express it so what good does it telling him that it doesn’t matter and downvoting him to hell?

        • liztliss@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Humans learn behavior through trial and error and learning from others. Maybe this will be a valuable experience regarding how they come to choose their opinions and how they choose to express them, maybe not. Who knows? We’ll keep doing our part to let others know when certain opinions are intolerable or unrealistic and they can use that information as they will, if they want. Being allowed to express something doesn’t mean they are correct nor immune to criticism 🤷‍♀️

    • SomeoneElse@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      I hadn’t heard of this case but I googled the diary entries and at first pass they do seem very damming - no unlike Lucy lettsby’s notes. But the testimony from multiple experts is pretty clear that they are not confessions but the tangled thoughts of someone suffering from multiple child bereavements. Of course she wasn’t in her right mind, but that doesn’t mean she killed them.

      Joanna Garstang, a consultant community paediatrician and designated doctor on a child death review panel in Birmingham, reviewed Folbigg’s diaries and submitted an expert witness report to the inquiry, released publicly on Tuesday.

      “Much of my clinical work involves the investigation of unexpected child deaths, regularly working alongside police,” Garstang wrote. “In my opinion, the expressions of self-blame and guilt in Ms Folbigg’s diary fit with those described in the literature or that I have witnessed in my clinical and research practice. I do not consider them true confessions of guilt.”

      Garstang said each of those comments was an “expression of self-blame in keeping with published literature” about bereaved parents. “Ms Folbigg is blaming herself for the deaths, she may be considering that her stress caused the deaths. This is in keeping with published literature and not of concern.”

      Counsel assisting the inquiry, Sophie Callan, SC, foreshadowed last week that two psychiatrists and a psychologist would also give evidence this week about Folbigg’s diaries, none of whom was expected to say the diaries contained expressions of criminal guilt.

      • SomeoneElse@lemmy.ca
        11 months ago

        Slightly related; I’ve always loved this quote from Aneurin Bevan, former health minister who established the NHS in the UK:

        “Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune the cost of which should be shared by the community.”