Yeah, things are not looking good for the Completionist.

    10 months ago

    I’ve been subbed to Jobst for years. I really like his speedrun content - particularly his Goldeneye stuff as he’s both an engaging storyteller, and supports it with his own top-tier experience of running the game.

    It rubs off on his other gaming content too - his evaluations of the speedrunning scenes for various different games is pretty polished and easy watching for the layman.

    His coverage of the Billy Mitchell and Todd Rodgers lawsuits are not my kind of thing - I absolutely get why he’s doing it because both of them have tried to do his legs and he’s firing back, and his coverage does seem to be fairly balanced given the legal threats that have been repeatedly thrown his way. It does feel like a playground argument that has gotten far too serious, but hey - it’s an interesting story and it’s a unique insight from someone who’s a defendant in this case.

    The whole Completionist thing does seem to be a mountain out of a molehill though, it’s a bit of a strange thing to put someone on blast for even though it absolutely should be called out and remedied by people with experience with these sorts of financial shenanigans. It doesn’t help that the charity’s spokesperson (was it his brother? I forget now) tried to handwave it away gave the case a proper Streisand effect, but the way Jobst has approached it feels like he’s just uncovered who actually shot JFK, rather than some bollocks accounting practices and misleading public in a charity event.

    I’m a fan of investigative journalism, the whole Panama Papers and WikiLeaks Câbles have exposed people and factions for doing shady shit, and sent a message to the world that this is absolutely disgraceful. This does seem like small fry, and I’m not sure why Jobst himself is taking up the cause.