• MisterFrog@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    See I actually agree with you on this, to a point, that if you’re working night shift and your mum knew about it, then it’s pretty unfair to be doing the vacuuming at that time each day if she knows you’re going to bed that late.

    If you’re just deciding/feeling it’s better for you to be going to sleep that late with no other reasons, then yeah, I do think it was on you to come to some other compromise with your mum about when she can vacuum. In the early afternoon after you wake up for example.

    It’s the “other people should work around me by default” attitude that I take issue with. When the standard is be awake during the day (right or wrong), then I think it’s on the people asking for deviation from that to ask for accommodation.

    Hope this clears things up a bit.