Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report
Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report
social studies isn’t a fucking college level course, you talking about sociology?
how do you even measure “acting on it” more often? I’ve read several things that said that women attempt suicide more often than men, but men more often “succeed”… Largely because of the means they choose
guns don’t cause suicide depression does is the same shitty argument that assholes like you have with guns don’t kill people, people kill people
Guns are integral to quick, thoughtless suicide, and if you actually look at the statistics vs the policy or do any actual reading it’ll tell you the same despite the gun industry trying to prevent research in the area to increase gun sales.
Yes depression is a problem that ought to be dealt with, but it helps nobody to provide lonely, depressed old men with ubiquitous access and fetishization of instant death.
And lastly, go fuck yourself and your whole tone.🖕
Depending on where you live it is college or ts university, first year
Death, well established and not studied enough
Its sad how obsessed you are with guns, really sad
Fact America is not in the top 20 countries for suicide. I would like to think because its quality of life, but like all things its more nuanced.
Guns don’t cause suicide, depression (the big killer) results in suicide and its causes are many. Access to suicidal means may help with a little bit of time sometimes; best case scenario. However if the cause is never addressed the end result will always be the same so just conflating the issue and the cycle continues on.
Australia got rid of guns in 1996.
The only person fetishizing guns and suicide is you! Stop wedging the desperate to your disingenuous cause,.
You got me, I’m actually a desperate, anti gun lobbyist…a position that pays equally well to a George Soros professional protestor. /s (because you’re an idiot)
Edit: fucking article itself says most involve guns and people are like 🙉🙈