Can’t even seek through songs.

    11 months ago

    See how they down vote you.

    Let me try to give a voice to the people down voting.

    I hope that in the future they make a separate subscription model for each of these services.

    $2/month I get the pause feature.

    $5/week I get to control my own volume.

    $4/month I don’t have to loudly shout the brand name of the commercial to go back to my podcast.

    This is how websites keep the lights on and you shouldn’t be so ungrateful. We all know the pursuit of infinite profits means all these companies will continue to find more ways to squeeze customers. So I’ll go down with this ship even though just 5 years ago it was crazy to see a 2 minute unskippable ad but now there’s 3 of them and you’re an asshole for wanting to remove that.

    What would the internet look like if we got rid of how companies advertise to us.

    In the future you should consider what you’re saying before speaking out against enshitificatin and encroachment of mass marketing into our lives. It feeds. It never stops feeding and I am meat.

      11 months ago

      Perhaps, and this may be a crazy thought, there is some middle ground to be found between a company actively hemorrhaging money and it demanding infinite profit.

      Now, I’m sure you do your job for no pay just out of the goodness of your heart, and that you even put your own money into it because you just love it so much. And that’s very very good of you. But I just don’t think I can really make the same demand of everyone, though I assure you, we all are looking up to you as an example, truly the absolute paragon of morality.

        11 months ago

        That is crazy and heres why

        They expect to take from you. You mention middle ground. You don’t get to the middle ground by walk halfway towards someone that had no intention of meeting you halfway. But they will take every advantage you give them.

        On top of all this, the internet survived way before any of the corporations jumped on board. It’ll exist without them. Yet with them around they pushed out the free and fun services and now that no longer exists in any meaningful way because they exist.

        I’m a consumer of a product and yesterday I had twice the product for twice as cheap. Today I don’t. I have no invested interest to market for the erosion of services on behalf of any private corporation or company. Especially large corporate entities who pay individuals hundreds of millions in contracts. How about standing up for your peers because they ain’t your peers

        Its acceptable to demand cheaper better products and if they don’t budge then you shouldn’t either.

        Its okay to stand up for your interest.

        You don’t need to defend these practices especially when these companies go to the effort to capture a monopoly on the services right before they lock it all away.

        You keep meeting them halfway they’ll keep moving where that is.

          11 months ago

          I been paying for it and I don’t really see how I’m suddenly getting half the product for twice the cost.

          Spotify is a sweet fucking deal for me. I listen to it for like 2500+ hours a year. It’s worth it to pay to not have to listen to ads alone.

          What’s really crazy is how you dudes are quick to call people shills and corporate apologists and all this dumb shit when they just get value for the money. If you don’t like it don’t buy it. If you’re so upset about the free version then use something else. Nobody gives a fuck, we aren’t getting a commission here.

          Music is a fucked industry. You want to support a band you go their shows and buy some merch same as always.