50501 comes up on /all feed every so often, with new pictures of protests and rallies and so forth, but I never see information about upcoming events on there.
Just an FYI the 50501 group launched a Lemmy instance somewhat recently.
Also try https://50501.chat/c/<State>. For example, https://50501.chat/c/California.
Searching for <State>@50501.chat from your Lemmy might turn up a match too.
That’s what that means…! I thought it was an area code or something
I only know about it because I happened to see their announcement when they launched the instance. It sounds like it was a reddit movement before they came to Lemmy.
I think it’s a platform independent movement that is now on Lemmy. Not sure it started on Reddit.
It was. Sad that Reddit removed their subreddit with all its info, but I guess not surprising.
Repository of 50501 related resources - https://50501.chat/post/23757
Access the community - [email protected]
Depends on where you live, but try to find an organization active in your town whose ideas are somewhat in line with yours. If they’re on a social media you use or have a website with an RSS feed you can subscribe to, use that. Otherwise, try and get in their contacts (many organizations have a contact list broader than their actual member list, so you don’t have to adhere if you’re not sure to commit). Then you get notified for every action they take part in.
To find them in the first place… Keep your eyes peeled for stickers or posters in the streets; and try to find the people at a protest or event said posters advertised.
This has some. I don’t think 50501 is on there but there’s a range of events. My teacher’s union posted on here and then I found a few more.
My go to site.
Bluesky has an active community posting for 50501 and the organizers have a discord and a subreddit.
There was a website posted on Lemmy a few days ago that showed up in my all feed, where you could look up where protests were planned. I imagine platforms like X instantly remove links to it. So it’s probably difficult to get the word out.
Sign up for Indivisible. They have an email list and will send you dates well in advance.
I was wondering the same about my city today, because there seem to have been two protests, but I didn’t realize until afterwards. Different county/protests though.
I feel like they are being purposely mis-managed to stall momentum. My city had 2 protests the same day a few weeks back and the one I went to only got like 100 people to attend. Why was there 2 protests instead of 1 larger protest?
In my case it was some idiots protesting against vaccination mandates (which aren’t around anymore) and a lot of people giving them hell. That sounded like fun.
You need to stage a protest against the insufficient information.
I read your name as FelixCheese.
Cheese yourself 😜
I’ve been feeling the same way. I searched the “Indivisible” site and found a local chapter that’s planning a rally. It feels like there should be an independent site where all similar events are posted, but I haven’t found one.
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Dude reaches out for community, in the right forum for that matter, and you cast a stone. Why are you here stranger?
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Google gives different results for different people?? Dont let them gaslight you
You’re the only one attempting to gaslight anyone here.
How typical for you to do something terrible and then blame someone else. This is exactly the sort of thing I’m talking about.
and they’ll start a war against some random people they blame for their own incompetence.
How is that any different than the bush administration?
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“I will never bend the knee and tie my own laces.”
Man, it’s crazy how bad it’s gotten with people not knowing how to use search engines, let alone how to effectively use them. If it’s not on their social media platform of choice, it’s simply unattainable information.
I mean, have you actually tried to search for shit lately? It’s a fucking mess
It’s gotten worse, I won’t argue that. But basic stuff is still quite easy/straightforward to look up, and using search modifier tools is still incredibly useful in narrowing down results.
Up to a point.
And, when the kind of pricing protesting going on is against a fascist regime attempt, don’t you think that maybe guiding people n to avoid the corporate infrastructure is a wise thing?
I mean, that and telling people to Google it instead of using an appropriate forum is douchey as hell
There are other search engines than google. I never even mentioned Google specifically in my responses, that was the top comment. I used the generic term. VPNs and anonymizing extensions also exist. “Appropriate forums” can and are infiltrated/monitored by fascist government agents all the time, so don’t pretend like it’s that much safer unless you’re also taking safety precautions.
Edit: I will add that your best bet is finding a local group initially and going analog from there. But again, those aren’t immune to fascist spies, so I’d recommend learning how civil rights groups of the past/present reduce(d) their risk against infiltration/spying.
Always been like that in my experience.
I remember being frustrated asf as a teenager by people not understanding words or knowing how to spell things. My brother in christ, you have a phone and an internet connection in your pocket with access to basically the entirety of human knowledge. Fucking Google it.
FYI, every single search you do on any major search engine is stored forever and can be used against you. I highly advise not using a search engine for anything that a fasc!st govemment may disagree with.