Any country with a shred of dignity would hide in shame. The very notion of intentionally dismantling the systems of intelect and learning for your citizens, your future leaders, should be something any true government of the people would fight against with everything they have.
You are fighting. Maybe not in a physical sense, but you’re doing good work. Spreading information can lead to people taking actions. And that can lead to change. We all have a role to play
Any country with a shred of dignity would hide in shame. The very notion of intentionally dismantling the systems of intelect and learning for your citizens, your future leaders, should be something any true government of the people would fight against with everything they have.
I’m too worn down to fight, sadly.
You are fighting. Maybe not in a physical sense, but you’re doing good work. Spreading information can lead to people taking actions. And that can lead to change. We all have a role to play