
Trump cut funding to Yale’s Humanitarian Research Lab, which was tracking Russian war crimes, including the abduction of 35,000 Ukrainian children.

A Yale source claims the U.S. State Department deleted key evidence, possibly hindering prosecution efforts and rescue missions. The data was crucial to the ICC’s case against Putin and others.

Trump, who recently met with Putin, has taken a pro-Russian stance.

Yale’s project had led to multiple indictments, but its shutdown raises concerns over legal and humanitarian consequences.

  • Cosmic
    3 days ago

    From the article …

    A Yale source said the US state department deleted the evidence which would have been used as part of rescue efforts to get the children home to Ukraine. It would also have been used to prosecute those behind their abductions – including Russian president Vladimir Putin.

    ”It is unclear whether it was by accident or intent, but it may reveal or it may cause potential criminal liability for the Trump administration, given international prohibitions against the destruction of war crimes evidence,” the Yale insider told The Independent.