Not Right click to copy or move. Right-click-drag-and-drop. In windows, when you left-click on a file and drag-and-drop, the default action applys, which is move if it’s to the same drive. Or copy if it’s to a different drive. Right-click-drag-and-drop gives you the option to copy, move or extract to the drop location.
You can open a local network share, right click and add it to the left panel. It will then be available anytime you want to work with it.
Will it be available after a reboot? Because I haven’t been able to do that without adding it to fstab or using extra software, like gigolo.
Showing disk size and usage is very native in windows. Can you get something simular with Dolphin?
Not Right click to copy or move. Right-click-drag-and-drop. In windows, when you left-click on a file and drag-and-drop, the default action applys, which is move if it’s to the same drive. Or copy if it’s to a different drive. Right-click-drag-and-drop gives you the option to copy, move or extract to the drop location.
Will it be available after a reboot? Because I haven’t been able to do that without adding it to fstab or using extra software, like gigolo.
Showing disk size and usage is very native in windows. Can you get something simular with Dolphin?
Yes it will be there after a reboot.
Ah I forgot about that disk size which you have to click to find (which is no longer showing on home in my windows 11 by the way).
I thought you meant can you see disk size by doing… Nothing? It is always in my panel on the left.