I’ve been using Waze for the past year but I just looked it up and realised that it’s also owned by Google. I tried using OsmAnd yesterday twice, but the first time I went through a tunnel it just stopped giving directions when I came out of the tunnel (a bug I assume). The second time on the way home, it took me down the wrong exit and I almost ended up at the airport!

Anybody have a better experience with other apps? I’ve just installed Organic Maps so I’ll see how that goes this week.

  • over_clox@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    I’ve been in a situation before where braking would have been the worst idea.

    Like a split second later and I would have slammed into the side of the dude that backed out in front of me.

    But I realized that very quickly and decided not to hit the brakes at all. I just quickly jerked my steering wheel to the left, which minimized the damages to the corners of our bumpers.

    Ask AI to do that kind of maneuver on the fly and it’ll totally fuck up, because AI doesn’t actually know how to drive…