Canada Europe, Australia and other free democracies need to be offering this woman (and her family) and people like her refugee status. She is clearly being discriminated against and needlessly and cruelly punished.
It’s never left me remembering how much hate i saw Kossovo refugees getting in the UK in the 90s. People fleeing a massacre, mass graves, land mines, blitzkrieg, rape as a weapon of war - only to be treated like scum by the average Joe.
What would actually help would be making those outside the US aware how fucked up this whole situation is, rather than nitpicking over what word you think we should use when referring to them.
Canada Europe, Australia and other free democracies need to be offering this woman (and her family) and people like her refugee status. She is clearly being discriminated against and needlessly and cruelly punished.
Pretty sure they would get a lot of skilled worker knowledge if they did so
It’s never left me remembering how much hate i saw Kossovo refugees getting in the UK in the 90s. People fleeing a massacre, mass graves, land mines, blitzkrieg, rape as a weapon of war - only to be treated like scum by the average Joe.
Many thousands of refugees fleeing persecution are facing discrimination and cruelty too, and have been for years.
Free democracies in wealthy nations need to step up better to look after ALL refugees.
Refugee wouldn’t apply here but they could still help/take her in
What a pedantic thing to focus on
Why do you say that? If you want a push to help someone then you should focus on what would actually help
What would actually help would be making those outside the US aware how fucked up this whole situation is, rather than nitpicking over what word you think we should use when referring to them.
We are aware. America has been breaking international human rights law for decades.