It took finding six different psychologists over the span of six years, and countless sessions where I tried to explain how sudden my decision can be, how I always get distracted, how eccentric that makes me and how flappy my whole life is and has been, and all the underlying issues, until I finally met one who understood me and had expertise in the field.
Tomorrow, I will starting with a dose 18 mg of Concerta.
It really sucks it has to be this way. This really is true.
I now feel like I can put down my heavy armor, my sword and my shield.
Congrats! Hope it helps, I’m on a stratera generic and I think it might he having some effect, but I’m still having concentration issues. Only recently started it, going on a bit over a week right now
Like an SSRI, Straterra takes a bit to build up and start having an effect. I titrated up to 80mg over the course of either 6 or 8 weeks, increasing dosage every 2 weeks. It was about a month before I really started to feel any difference.
Good to keep in mind, thanks!
Thank you
Here’s for us getting help we need 🍻
I thought it was gonna be 6 years of attempting to schedule an appointment.
Wait, you guys schedule appointments?
No, no, I’m thinking about scheduling them!
Honestly, I gave up a year ago but my fiance told me it was worth fighting one last time. I am very lucky to have her.
Congratulations on getting here!
Please keep in mind that medication does have negative side effects you’ll need to manage. It’s not a golden bullet. But it’s very, very, very helpful to those of us it helps (I’m one)! I hope you get the results you’re looking for!
Thank you.
What side effects did you feel?
My medicine gives me anxiety as it wears off and makes it difficult for me to sleep. It also makes me very not hungry.
Congrats! ! !
Thank you
Congrats 🎉🎉
Thank you
Congrats - it sure is a milestone…
I was diagnosed at 44yo, finally got to a psychiatrist who said to me: you’re doing every single life hack/strategy we could possibly ask an ADHD sufferer to be doing to manage their symptoms… Did you want to try some medication?
I was like: “so that means, yes, I DO have ADHD?”
He just smiled and said: “yes, absolutely!”
I was so relieved to finally have some kind of answer I broke down on the spot, and had to defer the meds conversation till the next months appt as it was all too much at that point.
I’m 8-9 months in, and wish I’d been diagnosed 35 years ago!
My journey wasn’t anything like yours, it only took 12 months once I decided to pursue it, but even I had to laugh when my GP gave me a list of a dozen psychiatrists and told me to call each one to see if they were taking referrals…
I looked at him and said: you’re giving me a list of 12 things to do with no deadline so I can get diagnosed with ADHD… Isn’t this a terrible idea?!
Hell yeah. How’s the first day of Concerta?
I felt an effect! I felt more focused and didn’t spiral in my thoughts too much! What the shit!
Aw HUGE congratulations!
Currently trying to get a diagnosis as well, my country’s system is also super bad.
I wish you luck. And if I may, my recommendation to you is to look around in community groups for health care in your area or region. Take benefit of the collective effort in your region to find the persons or maybe even establishments who know and work with ADHD specifically
Thanks for the advice, will do!