Who cares what the cause of the behavior is? It is unacceptable.
That should be enough. No need to even try to explain of empathize with it.
But it is telling that the richest man in the history of mankind acts like this. People should see that wealth does not equate to strength, intelligence, good politics, etc. But instead people see wealth as a way to get away with anything they want, even if it is completely embarrassing stuff that no one with self respect would even think about.
Very true. Fuck the rich
Hey look, the media blaming drugs for stupid people doing stupid shit.
This isn’t the ketamine. He would probably be even worse without it.
Along with those unsettling side effects, the psychopharmacology researcher and her team also found that regular users scored very high on delusional thinking scales and seemed to be convinced that they were receiving secret messages sent to them alone
Sounds like him but honestly money and power is probably enough to explain his delusional behaviour
Musk = POS Nazi wannabe!
Add Kanye West to that list as well
I dunno man, I’ve done ketamine and it didn’t turn me into a nazi.
Maybe he’s just a bad person.
I mean… we all have that friend who does mushrooms or drops acid and thinks they are the savior of the human race.
The only difference is that the next day they have to go work their shift at IHOP rather than waking up and being the richest person in the world.
Imagine coming out of a K hole and finding that you’ve caused the most powerful nation in the world to collapse.
Ketamine is the least of this dude’s problems.
They gave my cat ket before they euthanized her. She looked absolutely blissful, but certainly in no fit state to run a government.
I mean this in the nicest way, but your cat would make an excellent replacement for the current governor.
Lenny’s Cat 2028
Ketamine, like any drug, should be thoroughly researched. Whether good, bad, or mixed, the knowledge would be useful.
In any case, I think that being wealthy is the most dangerous drug of all. It frees you from the consequences of your actions. Being invulnerable from society, prevents you from knowing what it means to be harmed. It is why rich folks tend to be assholes, since they don’t understand the reality of being human. They are more akin to space aliens or dragons.
…at this point, excessive wealth is something I believe to be a drug that harms society, not individuals.
There’s an insane amount of research into ketamine. That’s why they literally use it regularly to sedate children.
It’s very safe and well tolerated. This shit isn’t about ketamine.
Ketamine, like any drug, should be thoroughly researched.
Hey man, go easy on him. He’s researching it as hard as he can, while balancing other responsibilities, like running DOGE. Have you ever tried working for the federal government with a cranium full of ketamine? It’s not as easy as he makes it look.
He balances ketamine with cocaine and alcohol
A fragile ego and sense of entitlement could also explain a lot of it. This comes from experience and, thankfully, at least some people can get better.
People are too hard on drugs. Drugs are great. the ketamine might be helping for all we know. It’s money and feeling unwanted as a child that has caused this man’s brain damage.
Yeah sad to see so many people here make the same error that the US (and most of the world) did regarding cannabis for 80+ years.
Stop falling for propaganda like this.
You can see the insecure little boy in him so much. Him and Joe Rogan. They are so obviously doing everything in themselves to have some confidence but not even millions and billions of dollars can fill that hole of abandonment.
Little boy feels unwanted.
Little boy commits to getting rich and successful so he’ll feel wanted.
Little boy achieves success.
Little boy finds out the money prevents him from forming any meaningful relationships.
The world burns.
Right, no one does the amount of steroids Joe Rogan does without having a severe case of body dysmorphia or something similar
Unfortunately it’s something as banal as height. He’s 5’8, same size as ben shapiro.
As a 5’6" man…is 5’8" supposed to be short or something 0_0
Isn’t anything under 6 feet short?
Only to a pillow princess
I think it’s fair to say that ketamine may be affecting his faculties, but this is dipping it’s toe into “the drugs make him do it!” sanewashing.
Drugs don’t make people assholes. They were assholes before they took the drugs, and the drugs emphasise what an asshole they are.
And assholes with too much money are a special brand of assholes.
As a very wise person once told me about acid, it doesn’t change you as much as it makes you more like yourself.
Put an A-hole down the K-hole and guess what comes out the other end?
Idk acid just makes me giggly and forget what I was saying because I saw a cool pattern on the wall. Don’t think it changes your personality that much
Could be the dose, but LSD is far more than just visual. If you take certain meds (I think SSRIs might be one), it can significantly dull the experience as well.
I’m not sure I would say it personally changed me, but I can 100% understand how that could be possible. LSD is no joke.
Maybe if i took it solo it would be a different experience, but I’ve only done it in group settings where we’re just having fun so no real introspective thoughts occurred. (Biggest dose was around 300mcg)
As the saying goes “sober thoughts, drunk words”
Drunk words, ketamine actions?
So drunk thoughts sober words?
People have been known to change personalities and become like that after serious brain injuries. Not uncommon for such people to become right wing.
I don’t know much about ketamines effect on the brain…
Probably takes cocaine and he does drink alcohol too
I have a running theory that the reason celebs like telia tequila and Kanye suddenly veer so hard to crazy town is brain damaged caused by overdose/suicide and being clinically deaad + sent to weird brainwashing rehab facilities
Tila had a stroke and became a bathsit right winger, much like sorbo who had a stroke and becomes a nutty Christian
Nah just the pressure of fame, a thousand lying tongues in your ear and 2 thousands hands in your pockets.
Isn’t that a porn movie?
Nah your thinking of a thousand tongues and fists in your ass.
Good porn. Highly recommend it.
You guys eh, you guys do a lot of ketamine don’t you? Jkjk
I’m gonna tap the sign.
(The Drug User’s Bible, by Dominic Milton Trott)
Do not let Elon Musk own ketamine. It is a valid depression treatment.
Well…it’s found to effective at halting the immediate effects of severe depression. In other words, it’s just enough to stop someone from going suicidal or worse. It has NOT been shown to be a good candidate for long-term use in treating general depression in anyone, in fact, there’s a larger nunber of studies correlating Ketamine abuse with mental defect than showing it useful in a medical capacity.
There’s a huge difference between those two things. Here’s a study that only looked at previous records (no conflict of interest in new study targets) : https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8972190/
Well…it’s found to effective at halting the immediate effects of severe depression. In other words, it’s just enough to stop someone from going suicidal or worse. It has NOT been shown to be a good candidate for long-term use in treating general depression in anyone, in fact, there’s a larger nunber of studies correlating Ketamine abuse with mental defect than showing it useful in a medical capacity.
That, and with the resources available to someone like Elon, I am sure he has some personal doctor giving him regular recreational access if he wants to.
That being said, the article is a bit sensationalist. It shouldn’t be ruled out as a contributing factor, but Elon has basically always had that confused arsehole streak to his character.
Correct. However, it is effective in the short term, which makes its short term use valid. Occasional recreational use is also valid. I feel psychedelics are a better option in most cases. Elon Musk has chosen to use ketamine chronically–carelessness in, carelessness out. He shouldn’t be the face of ketamine. I’m rightfully concerned about the demonization of ketamine due to these headlines, when the only thing that should be demonized is Musk.
Musk is the same person who said homelessness is a propaganda word for useless drug addicts. Anti-drug sentiment is a dangerous radical right ideology. People must remember this when discussing this subject. I’ve seen comments on many posts relating to politicians and drug use with an inherently negative stance on drugs, particularly with Musk, which is my reason for tapping the sign. The articles themselves often have an anti-drug bias, and I feel that’s showing itself here a little.
Keep discourse in good faith.
Lobotomies also are effective in the short and long term for stopping suicide.
I think it’s perfectly fine to push back on drugs and procedures when we are currently only in the present to excuse it away as effective enough to get the outcomes we want.
It does not mean they are safe or should be promoted.If it’s legitimately harming brain chemistry and has a similar effect to long term brain damage why is it OK other than because it accomplished a goal of getting other people to mumble that they can’t kill themselves and its seen as a victory.
Cautionary discourse and open about the possible negatives are how we move forward.
Demanding only positive and happy conversation around drug use is also radical and dangerous.Don’t pretend it’s bad faith when it’s just against your own interests and beliefs.
Valid treatments are abused all the time…
Ket is abused all the time.
Musk isn’t taking it therapeuticly, he’s taking it recreationally to dissociate from a reality where he’s a giant asshole everyone hates and makes fun.
Two completely different uses
Excuses at this point