I’m telling you the fearmongering exists only to ensure subversion of politics/programming of Canadians to evil. This propaganada, when believed, strengthens the average idiotic person’s commitment to enemy status, ingrained by US, of those nations.
The divisive hatred in western politics, is an inherent function of decline and unsustainability. Oligarchy and US empire is happy to destroy themselves and allies to pillage what is left of the corpse. Pretending a few extra quarters of profits, and manufacturing/jobs can be restored through infighting, war, tax cuts, and climate destruction, is the extreme evil that is more easily controlled if all of our politicians are set to the path of evil. In an unsustainable world, eat the poor/immigrants/young makes complete sense when the old and rich understand what they are voting for, and the stupid don’t understand a hero pretending to save them (only after spending everything to lose a war on China and Russia) as inspiring enough to vote.
The vile disgusting destruction of Canada happens only because we limit not just influence on politicians, but that any humanist perspective can be labelled treason. Trade with China, peace with Russia and Iran? That will get more downvotes than upvotes around here, and so either the bot armies are against survival/prosperity, or you/we are collectively programmed to suicide.
Evil is a function of power. US greatest evil. Giving it a monopoly on evil disinformation in fact prevents anti-evil messages. Even blaming the “right wing playbook” throughout world on Russia, instead of pro conservative oligarchy is a big stretch. Where anti-war on Russia is a right wing point is just sanity. A monopoly on disinformation by US and its unanimous Canadian establishment allies, including the appoplectic foreign interference fears, just has different US interest disinformation pushed on all sides.
Peace and trade vs war and no trade not approved by US, is what got us into this mess/decline. Interests and agendas aren’t evil in themselves. US is inherently evil.
By far the most successful disinformation campaign in history is the vast majority of Canadians,US colonial slaves, deluded into not understanding the full US provocation of the war, all for US warmongering gains at our expense. Actually less than half is stupidity, with the other half just consumed by blind hatred that they know justifies the most demonic evil against a country, all from generations of disinformation and hate propaganda.
This programing is so strong, that in the face of an attack by the US, vast majority of Canadians want to keep an unjustifiable war on a country that has never attacked/threatened us. In fact, the only country the US “whines about protecting us from”. The complete absolute garbage we are made to believe, and believe harder because of OP BS, dooms Canada to extreme incoherent divisiveness in the face of accepting demonism while pretending to have certainty that opposing political wing are the only ones who are demonically manipulated. We import US politics only because all of their political/CIA/disinformation wings tell us everything we think.
I’m telling you the fearmongering exists only to ensure subversion of politics/programming of Canadians to evil. This propaganada, when believed, strengthens the average idiotic person’s commitment to enemy status, ingrained by US, of those nations.
The divisive hatred in western politics, is an inherent function of decline and unsustainability. Oligarchy and US empire is happy to destroy themselves and allies to pillage what is left of the corpse. Pretending a few extra quarters of profits, and manufacturing/jobs can be restored through infighting, war, tax cuts, and climate destruction, is the extreme evil that is more easily controlled if all of our politicians are set to the path of evil. In an unsustainable world, eat the poor/immigrants/young makes complete sense when the old and rich understand what they are voting for, and the stupid don’t understand a hero pretending to save them (only after spending everything to lose a war on China and Russia) as inspiring enough to vote.
The vile disgusting destruction of Canada happens only because we limit not just influence on politicians, but that any humanist perspective can be labelled treason. Trade with China, peace with Russia and Iran? That will get more downvotes than upvotes around here, and so either the bot armies are against survival/prosperity, or you/we are collectively programmed to suicide.
Yes, yes, the US is the great evil.
But what about the other great evils?
Evil is a function of power. US greatest evil. Giving it a monopoly on evil disinformation in fact prevents anti-evil messages. Even blaming the “right wing playbook” throughout world on Russia, instead of pro conservative oligarchy is a big stretch. Where anti-war on Russia is a right wing point is just sanity. A monopoly on disinformation by US and its unanimous Canadian establishment allies, including the appoplectic foreign interference fears, just has different US interest disinformation pushed on all sides.
Ah yes. Be afraid of the big bad US, but never mind when others do what they are doing.
Seriously every thing you say about the US is true for a number of other states that have their own interests in respect to Canadian policy.
You aren’t to be taken Seriously.
Peace and trade vs war and no trade not approved by US, is what got us into this mess/decline. Interests and agendas aren’t evil in themselves. US is inherently evil.
Wow, you really have drank the Flavour-aid haven’t you?
What do you say about Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine?
By far the most successful disinformation campaign in history is the vast majority of Canadians,US colonial slaves, deluded into not understanding the full US provocation of the war, all for US warmongering gains at our expense. Actually less than half is stupidity, with the other half just consumed by blind hatred that they know justifies the most demonic evil against a country, all from generations of disinformation and hate propaganda.
This programing is so strong, that in the face of an attack by the US, vast majority of Canadians want to keep an unjustifiable war on a country that has never attacked/threatened us. In fact, the only country the US “whines about protecting us from”. The complete absolute garbage we are made to believe, and believe harder because of OP BS, dooms Canada to extreme incoherent divisiveness in the face of accepting demonism while pretending to have certainty that opposing political wing are the only ones who are demonically manipulated. We import US politics only because all of their political/CIA/disinformation wings tell us everything we think.