A former student, Aleysha Ortiz, is suing the city of Hartford and the local board of education. Ortiz alleges she graduated without learning how to read or write. She claims it was due to negligence and lack of proper support for her developmental disabilities.
The lawsuit claims Ortiz was denied necessary testing for dyslexia. It also claims she was removed from special education curriculum and only tested for developmental disabilities on her last day of school, revealing significant unmet educational needs.
US in last fucking place in 1st world in Education, life expectancy but the number one in war. This teen needs to join the army, lose a leg and become a hero if he wants to be somebody. Thank you for your service sucker.
Except she’s a woman, so very likely to be sexually assaulted in the military (and that’s if she even gets in, DEI and all that), and vets get shafted as well. Her losing a leg to an IED will be ruled “not service related,” and she will be denied any funds related to care or issues resulting from said injury after she leaves the military.
I hate that this holds any truth. It is really sad to see all of the mismanagement in the military
I actually based my comment on some stories that I’ve heard from vets dealing with the office of veterans’ affairs (I think that’s what it’s called), specifically an artist I followed on Tumblr years ago who had to have surgery on his hand and physical therapy related to an injury he got in the military and got turned down because the injury had become a chronic issue after he got out and therefore “wasn’t service related” despite it being directly caused by an injury he received while in the military. Kept him from being able to draw and really solidified my opinion on how the government takes care of its people. That, and the percentage of homeless people who are veterans/the percentage of veterans who end up homeless.
I know someone who served in Korea. It is considered a “conflict” so he doesn’t get any benefits.
the military usually doesnt allow combat roles for women , funny enough. they usually choose the safe jobs.
I’ve met some Navy SEALs what were women. Also pilots and other combat roles.
They are a minority but not totally unheard of.
they wont be able to join if they cant even pass the asvab for the military, i heard alot of graduates struggling with that. what helped recruitment in the last 1-2 years was military propaganda(like top gun maverick). Having untreated dyslexia makes you ineligible for the military nanyways
They aren’t in last place but they are way farther behind than a lot of places.